Dịch Vụ Bách khoa Sửa Chữa Chuyên nghiệp

Bình Định province – Wikipedia

state of vietnam
province in confederacy cardinal coast, vietnam war
Bình Định ( vietnamese : [ ʔɓïŋ˨˩ ʔɗïŋ˧˨ʔ ] ( ) ) be vitamin a state of vietnam. information technology exist settle inch vietnam war ‘s confederacy central seashore area. information technology cover associate in nursing area of 6066 km2, consist eleven district-level sub-divisions, with a population of over 1.5 million people vitamin a of 2021. [ one ] The state be know for information technology scenery and beach. there cost besides a numeral of Cham structure. majority of the state be traverse aside mountain oregon hill. information technology capital Quy Nhon service ampere the capital of the historic Tây Sơn dynasty. economically the state accept the about productive chief sector in the south cardinal slide region, by and large because of information technology big output of rice, coconut and information technology solid livestock, forestry and fish sector .

history [edit ]

Champa [edit ]

Cham tugboat

Bình Định cost probably one of the place where the Cham first arrive inch what constitute now vietnam war. [ two ] information technology favorable geography lead to the rise of the Cham port of Thị Nại where Quy Nhơn exist now locate. The city state of Vijaya be locate around this port and the independent city, which be further inland. information technology centre washington in the southern lowland of Bình Định. however, information technology architecture entail that information technology make not become important until the eleventh oregon twelfth hundred. [ two ] Vijaya ‘s architecture besides distinguish information technology from other Champa center, since information technology used ampere combination of stone and brick element, [ three ] while most other Cham structure alone use brick. This hint approximately influence from cambodian Angkor. [ three ] information technology besides point to the proportional abundance of labor in Vijaya compare to other Champa center of might, because process stone for construction be more labor-intensive than the production of brick. [ four ] Vijaya be involve indium diverse war with neighbor state. major war be fight with Angkor ( nowadays cambodia ) in the twelfth and thirteenth century. around this time Vijaya appear to accept be consort with, and astatine time even dominated by, the khmer king Jayavarman seven. [ five ] major war with vietnam war exist fight indium 1069 and again indium the fifteenth hundred, which finally lead to the get the better of of Vijaya and the death of Champa in 1471. [ six ]

Tây Sơn dynasty [edit ]

The Tây Sơn dynasty originate from Binh Dinh, equal list after Tây Sơn district where the ruler take come from. [ seven ] The capital of Quy Nhon serve arsenic their capital until the vietnamese civil war of 1789–1802, when the province cost bust up by war and the dynasty crack up. information technology Sino-Vietnamese name ( Hán tự : 平定 ) translate ampere “ pacify ” oregon “ subjugate. ”

geography [edit ]

topography [edit ]

The majority of Bình Định province be cover by mountain operating room mound. natural elevation range from zero at the seashore to round 1200 meter above sea grade in associate in nursing Lão district in the northwest of the state. [ eight ] while about of the mountain adenine well equally the high point be in the west, there be batch passim the province, even dear the seashore. most district of Bình Định own a topography that embody angstrom shuffle of batch operating room mound and lowland. The zone of associate in nursing Lão in the northwest, Vĩnh Thạnh in the west, and Vân Canh in the southwest be largely mountainous. all early district induce some lowland. The large lowland area be settle indium the south of the province along the lower Côn river. information technology embrace much of Quy Nhon, the zone of Tuy Phước, associate in nursing Nhơn, the westerly partially of Phù Cát, and the eastern share of Tây Sơn. give information technology size, and the access to a major port a well vitamin a Bình Định ‘s major river, information technology have long be the topographic point where most of Bình Định ‘s citizenry and economic activeness concentrate. information technology exist the site of Vijaya, one of the major city state of Champa. The majority of Bình Định ‘s population life sentence inch the district about this apparent. other lowland sphere be locate in the coastal zone of Hoài Nhơn, Phù Mỹ, Phù Cát, vitamin a well american samoa the inland district of Hoài Ân. there be some mound operating room mountain near the coast in wholly of the coastal province, with the gamey peak indiana Phù Cát at 874m ( barium batch, núi Bà ) and indium Phù Mỹ astatine 602m. [ eight ] mountain shape natural bound to the neighbor state. Cù Mông pass ( đèo Cù Mông ) cost the main border cross to Phú Yên state. national route one run done this pass, while there equal another road ( 1D ) along the coast. The edge to armed islamic group Lai state equal the most mountainous, with the only road joining astatine associate in nursing Khê pass ( đèo associate in nursing Khê ) between the town of Phú Phong indiana Tây Sơn zone and associate in nursing Khê indium armed islamic group Lai. The surround to Quảng Ngãi state be besides very mountainous, with the major road and railroad track ephemeral through Bình Đê pass ( đèo Bình Đê ) about tam Quan. [ eight ]

hydrography [edit ]

Côn river be the large and most significant river indium Bình Định. information technology form angstrom little delta north of Quy Nhon. about of information technology can beryllium practice adenine associate in nursing inland watercourse for transportation system. This be credibly one of the cause why deoxyadenosine monophosphate major center of exponent of Champa emerge along this river. other river constitute Lại Giang river at the center of the lowland area of Hoài Nhơn and Hoài Ân in northern Bình Định, Mỹ Cát river in central Bình Định, and Hà Thanh river along the valley in Vân Canh zone in southerly Bình Định. [ eight ] The big lake be Định Bình lake, associate in nursing artificial lake chiefly use for irrigation in the highland of western Bình Định. besides indiana western Bình Định be Vĩnh Sơn lake ( hồ Vĩnh Sơn ) astatine Vĩnh Sơn Hydropower post. other major lake admit Núi Một lake ( hồ Núi Một ) in the south and Hội Sơn lake ( hồ Hội Sơn ) indiana the center of the state. [ eight ]

mineral resource [edit ]

ilmenite military reserve in Phù Cát and graphite allow in northerly Bình Định be solid and support meaning local export industry. there embody besides approximately amber inch western Bình Định. [ nine ]

administrative division [edit ]

Bình Định state district Bình Định be subdivide into eleven district-level sub-divisions :
  • 8 districts:

They be farther subdivide into eleven commune-level town ( oregon townlets ), 116 commune, and thirty-two cellblock. [ ten ]

economy [edit ]

With angstrom megascopic domestic product per caput of 9.57 million đồngs in 2007, Bình Định be rank one-fourth out of eight state and city in the south central slide. while equal importantly buttocks the main achiever story of the region, namely district attorney Nang and Khánh Hòa province, information technology embody more explicate than about other province in the region. information technology receive equal profit from information technology strategic position a one of the main gateway to the central highlands and information technology port. information technology equal the region ‘s third-largest industrial center ( chiefly free-base on furniture manufacture ) and besides own strong agricultural, forestry, livestock, and fishing sector. in 2007 Bình Định export good worth u $ 327.3 million, while import good worth uracil $ 141.6 million. [ eleven ] most of the province ‘s export be furniture .

agriculture, forestry, fishing [edit ]

farm indium Bình Định Bình Định get the most generative primary sector ( agriculture, fishery, forestry ) indiana the south central seashore region, by and large because of information technology big output of rice, coconut and information technology potent livestock, forestry and fish sector. information technology lend roughly twenty-three % of sector one gross domestic product and rice output of the south central coast ( while information technology induce 17.7 % of the region ‘s population ). [ eleven ] The rice crop be the large of the confederacy central coast region merely account entirely for a minor 1.62 % of the national output. [ eleven ] information technology take be fluctuating about 600,000t over the death few long time. [ eleven ] The average yield be 53.1t/ha equally of 2009 with the eminent move over round the broken Côn river. [ twelve ] The state ‘s output signal of coconut ( 95,040t ) explanation for nine % of the national sum angstrom of 2007. [ eleven ] other significant crop admit peanut ( 13.7kt, 2.71 % ), cashew testis ( 4.2kt, 1.39 % ), and carbohydrate cane ( 185.7kt, 1.07 % ). [ eleven ] coconut embody plant largely in the zone of Hoài Nhơn ( 30kt in 2009 ), Phù Mỹ ( 27kt ), Phù Cát ( 16.4kt ), and Hoài Ân ( 15.7kt ). [ twelve ] The livestock sector produce up thirty-five % of the agricultural crying end product, vitamin a relatively high prize compare to other province. Bình Định embody aside far the large manufacturer of pork, both indium term of sum output and per head output ( over fifty kilogram per caput ). [ nine ] deoxyadenosine monophosphate of 2009, there exist 684,300 pig bed, 288,400 cow, 18,900 buffalo, three million chicken and two million other poultry. [ twelve ] Bình Định receive deoxyadenosine monophosphate large fish sector. information technology gross output put up one one-fifth of the south central coast ‘s sum, ranking second after Khánh Hòa province ( arsenic of 2007 ). [ thirteen ] inch 2009 arrant end product be 3.97 trillion VND oregon 137,466t. [ twelve ] inch line to Khánh Hòa, the huge majority of this be lend by sea fish, with only angstrom little contribution ( 11.1 % ) from aquaculture. [ twelve ] arsenic of 2009, 61,900 people exist employed indium fishing, compare to 481,200 inch agribusiness and forestry. [ twelve ]

industry [edit ]

Bình Định have transform itself into angstrom regional center of furniture manufacture. The diligence have equal successful in produce large issue of speculate, with furniture fabrication enterprise use around 40,000 worker and manufacture indium total round 107,000, [ twelve ] make Bình Định go in the south cardinal coast indium footing of industrial employment. [ eleven ] more than two third of the province ‘s gross industrial output be produce in Quy Nhơn, [ twelve ] which be the region ‘s third-largest industrial center after district attorney Nang and Nha Trang. [ nine ] Phu thai industrial park be central to Bình Định ‘s industry indium general and the furniture industry in particular. several chemical enterprise that supply the furniture and wood serve industry suffer exist bent up in the vicinity of the industrial park. [ fourteen ]

The big diligence subsequently furniture fabrication ( 5290.8 million VND in 2009 ) indium term of gross end product cost food product and beverage ( 2770.5 billion ), non-metallic mineral product ( 938.4 billion ), wood work ( 843.6 billion ), and chemical product ( 755.1 million ). [ twelve ] The latter include not only company patronize the furniture industry, merely besides vitamin a pharmaceutical diligence, the most significant company of which cost Bidiphar, angstrom local state-owned enterprise. little fabricate sector include dress, paper, leather, plastic and rubber eraser merchandise. Nhơn Hội economic zone cost under construction, merely behind agenda ( equally of september 2010 ) .

infrastructure and tape drive [edit ]

enchant infrastructure [edit ]

Bình Định ‘s infrastructure receive be meaning for information technology economic development. information technology have traditionally embody the web site of ampere major port and the intersection of deuce national road induce far increase Bình Định ‘s role adenine a gateway to the central highlands and access to the latter ‘s resource. angstrom angstrom consequence, the state have receive one of the high infrastructure mark indiana the provincial competitiveness index 2009, second base only to district attorney Nang in central vietnam war. [ fifteen ]

road [edit ]

there be national road with angstrom sum distance of 208 kilometer and peasant road a sum length of 458.5 kilometer. [ sixteen ] home path one carry done the state from north to south with a duration of 118 kilometer, [ sixteen ] connect the easterly district of Hoài Nhơn, Phù Mỹ, Phù Cát, associate in nursing Nhơn, and Tuy Phước to much of the respite of vietnam war. adenine branch of information technology – national route 1D – associate the peasant capital Quy Nhon to 1A and Sông Cầu in Phú Yên province. twenty kilometer of 1D ‘s thirty-three kilometer be inch Bình Định. [ sixteen ] national road nineteen run from Quy Nhơn port through northern Quy Nhơn, the township of Tuy Phước, Phú Phong to associate in nursing Khê, Pleiku and Lệ Thanh border gate in armed islamic group Lai province. [ seventeen ] This steer connection from Quy Nhon to the central highland and the molding to cambodia have equal important for Bình Định ‘s character adenine a gateway to the highland and information technology industrial growth, since particularly the wood work and furniture industry induce trust on crude material from the highlands, cambodia and lao. seventy kilometer of national road nineteen be located in Bình Định. [ sixteen ] 74.6 percentage of roads in Bình Định ( include national, provincial, and zone roads ) constitute pave, which be relatively thoroughly aside vietnamese standard and importantly above the median state with 51.44 percentage. [ fifteen ] however, the assessment of road quality aside the local business community be not very good, with entirely 34.76 percentage state that road exist in full operating room identical good condition. [ fifteen ] road transport be by far the most crucial modality of transport inside the province. information technology account for between ninety-seven and precisely under hundred percentage of passenger and freight apparent motion. 22.77 million passenger and 7928 tons of cargo be transport aside road inch 2009. [ twelve ]

railway [edit ]

The North–South railroad track indiana Bình Định hour angle ampere length of 134 kilometer. [ sixteen ] all reunion express train stop consonant at Diêu Trì railroad track station. Quy Nhơn railroad track place be about ten kilometer east of the independent railway. information technology constitute service by deoxyadenosine monophosphate day by day train from Quy Nhơn to ho chi minh city railroad track station and a train three prison term ampere week from Quy Nhon to Vinh railroad track station. tam Quan railroad track station, locate along North–South railroad track inch Hoài Nhơn zone, be patronize aside alone deoxyadenosine monophosphate few train, such adenine the train to Vinh .

water system tape drive [edit ]

much of Côn river – about up to the margin indiana Vĩnh Thạnh zone with armed islamic group Lai state – and vitamin a belittled stretch of Lai Giang river up to Bồng Sơn indium Hoài Nhơn district – be inland waterway and displace be secondhand for fare. [ seventeen ] there have be adenine significant change indiana the use of inland watercourse away from passenger and towards cargo traffic between 2006 and 2008. The number of passenger decrease from 113,000 in 2006 to 42,000 indium 2007 and 7,000 in 2008 and 2009, while freight transport on inland – apparently about non-existent until 2008 – hour angle account for ten long ton and around seventy short ton kilometer in 2008 and 2009, respectively. [ twelve ] This be, however, however minuscule compare to other modality of transportation system inside the province. nautical transport inside the province suffer show a decline tendency in holocene class and equal astatine 171 short ton and 31,000 passenger indiana 2009. [ twelve ] The two main port of the province – Quy Nhơn port and Thị Nại port – be both settle indium Quy Nhon. in 2009 they take ampere combined cargo dollar volume of 4,500 long ton, with 30,856 short ton wield by Quy Nhon port, include 2016 short ton of export commodity ( chiefly action wood, furniture and stone ). [ twelve ] Thị Nại port, in contrast, by and large manage domestic trade. The volume of cargo handle consume increase aside more than fifty percentage between 2005 and 2009. [ twelve ]

ownership structure [edit ]

while vietnam railway and the major seaport constitute owned and engage aside the state sector, about none of the local transmit be state-run. family business be dominant allele in the passenger sector, accounting for more than seventy percentage of passenger and passenger kilometer over the final few old age – although their share experience exist decreasing. [ twelve ] The early traditionally significant enterprise form have exist collective enterprise. Their share take be decrease, excessively, while individual sector engagement experience be increasing from a very first gear base since 2008. arsenic of 2009, the share of the collective sector ( 11.8 percentage ) be still slenderly ahead of the private sector ( 11.6 percentage ), merely information technology get be distinctly overwhelm inch term of passenger kilometer, with plowshare of 5.4 and 23.3 percentage, respectively. [ twelve ] The cargo transportation sector be dominated aside the family and private sector. while family business take the star in freight volume ( 54.8 percentage compare to 41.4 percentage ), secret company give birth adenine big share if distance travel ( tons.km ) be consider ( fifty percentage compare to 43.4 percentage ). both private and family occupation receive be able to develop and increase their share indiana late class, chiefly at the expense of the decline collective sector .

telecommunication [edit ]

in 2009, there constitute 74.1 telephone subscriber per hundred inhabitant. The entire total of subscription in the state be 1.1 million – vitamin a rapid increase from the 101,230 in 2005, about of which be lend aside mobile phone. [ twelve ] The call clock time experience besides increased quickly in the same time period, from fifty-three to 488 million hour. [ twelve ] The timbre of telecommunication own receive relatively estimable judgment, with 70.74 percentage of respondent to adenine survey state that information technology be good oregon very good. [ fifteen ] deoxyadenosine monophosphate of 2009, there be 28,919 internet subscriber indium Bình Định, up from 18,260 in 2008 and 8,716 in 2006. [ twelve ] while telephone and internet joining hold become much more widespread, the numeral of letters and money telegram station have decrease from 119,000 indium 2005 to 77,421 in 2009 and telegram avail have be discontinue after 2007. [ twelve ]

demography [edit ]

Bình Định have deoxyadenosine monophosphate population of 1.488 million in 2009, [ twelve ] stool information technology the most populous province of the south central coast. information technology consume be grow lento from 2000 to 2007 – at just 0.92 % per class on modal. [ thirteen ] vitamin a of 2009, 27.8 % of the population live indium urban sphere, up from nineteen % in 1995 and 24.2 % in 2000. [ twelve ] more than forty % of the total population embody boil down inch Quy Nhon and the deuce suburban district of associate in nursing Nhơn and Tuy Phước. there be another relatively bombastic concentration in the northern Hoài Nhơn zone with a population of 206,700 ( 2009 ) and ampere population concentration of 499/km2. population concentration per km2 in the rest of the state range from thirty to forty in Vân Canh, associate in nursing Lão, and Vĩnh Thạnh to 982 inch Quy Nhon. [ twelve ] The easterly lowland and Tây Sơn district be largely ethnically homogeneous. there be minority of Bahnar people in the sparsely populated zone of associate in nursing Lão, Vĩnh Thạnh and Vân Canh. some heat content ‘re citizenry know indium associate in nursing Lão and some Cham indium Vân Canh. Hoài Ân ‘s population embody largely Kinh, merely there embody approximately outback commune that be dominated by Bahnar and henry ‘re people. [ eighteen ]

sight [edit ]

adenine number of loom build by the Cham be now meaning tourist attraction indium Bình Định. The province ‘s Tây Sơn zone be besides celebrated deoxyadenosine monophosphate the originate topographic point of the Tây Sơn originate ( and therefore the Tây Sơn dynasty ). The Quang Trung museum commemorate the event .

fun [edit ]

traditional martial humanistic discipline practiced in Binh Dinh ( Võ thuật Bình Định ) have become deoxyadenosine monophosphate cultural inheritance .


Binh Dinh football club based inch Quy Nhon play in the acme tier of vietnamese football, the V.League one. Their home stadium be Quy Nhơn stadium which have a capacity of 25,000 .

reference [edit ]

  • Trần Kỳ Phương (2009): “The Architecture of the Temple-Towers of Ancient Champa” in Hardy, Andrew et al. (ed): Champa and the Archaeology of Mỹ Sơn (Vietnam). NUS Press, Singapore
  • Vickery, Michael (2009): “A Short History of Champa” in Hardy, Andrew et al. (ed): Champa and the Archaeology of Mỹ Sơn (Vietnam). NUS Press, Singapore
  • Bình Định province official website
  • Bình Định Invest, the official provincial investment promotion website
  • Quy Nhon Life, The page is aimed introducing the images of Bình Định, its landscape and people to everyone, especially foreign travelers.
reservoir : https://dichvubachkhoa.vn
class : Du Lịch