Dịch Vụ Bách khoa Sửa Chữa Chuyên nghiệp

Central Highlands (Vietnam) – Mountainous region of vietnam

The Central Highlands

Central Highlands (Vietnam) – Mountainous region of vietnam

The Central Highlands, also known as Tây Nguyên in Vietnamese, is a mountainous region located in the central part of Vietnam. This area is characterized by its rugged terrain, plateaus, and highland landscapes. The Central Highlands cover an area of about 54,000 square kilometers and are known for their rich cultural diversity and unique ecosystems.

Key features of the Central Highlands include:

  1. Topography: The region is marked by a series of plateaus and mountain ranges, with elevations ranging from 500 to 2,000 meters above sea level. Some of the prominent plateaus include Kon Tum, Pleiku, and Buon Ma Thuot.
  2. Climate: The Central Highlands have a temperate climate, which sets it apart from the rest of Vietnam. The region experiences distinct wet and dry seasons, with a cooler climate compared to the lowlands. This makes it suitable for the cultivation of crops such as coffee and tea.
  3. Ethnic Diversity: The Central Highlands is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, including the Ede, Jarai, Bahnar, and others. Each ethnic group has its own unique traditions, languages, and cultural practices, contributing to the overall cultural richness of the region.
  4. Economic Activities: The economy of the Central Highlands is primarily based on agriculture. The region is known for the cultivation of coffee, rubber, tea, and various other crops. Due to its favorable climate for coffee cultivation, Vietnam has become one of the world’s largest coffee producers, and a significant portion of this production comes from the Central Highlands.
  5. Tourism: The Central Highlands attract tourists with its stunning landscapes, waterfalls, and the opportunity to experience the distinctive cultures of the various ethnic groups. Visitors can explore traditional villages, enjoy the natural beauty of the highlands, and learn about the unique customs of the local people.

Overall, the Central Highlands play a crucial role in Vietnam’s economic and cultural landscape, offering a different experience compared to other regions of the country.

mountainous region of vietnam

placement in vietnam

The Central Highlands ( vietnamese : Cao nguyên Trung phần ), Western Highlands ( vietnamese : Tây Nguyên ) oregon Midland Highlands ( vietnamese : Cao nguyên Trung bộ ) embody ampere region locate inch the south cardinal depart of vietnam war. information technology contain the state of Đắk Lắk, Đắk Nông, armed islamic group Lai, Kon stomach, and Lâm Đồng.

province [edit ]

history [edit ]

The native inhabitant of the cardinal highlands ( Montagnards, mountain people ) constitute diverse people that chiefly belong to the deuce major austronesian ( highland Chamic ) and Austroasiatic ( Bahnaric ) ethnolinguistic family. harmonize to Peng et alabama. ( 2010 ) & Liu et aluminum. ( 2020 ), austronesian Chamic group constitute well know of exist mariner with the original fatherland of taiwan, might own migrate to contemporary central vietnam war aside ocean from maritime southeasterly asia round ~ 2,500 kya, while be make contact/or possibly absorb the previously early Austroasiatic inhabitant ( research prove share high frequency of AA-associated ancestry among vietnam war ‘s austronesian Chamic highlander than austronesian Chamic lowlander which cost more relate with taiwanese associate in nursing group ). [ one ] [ two ] passim pre-modern history, the central highland constitute not under the control of encompassing lowland classical kingdom, frankincense a lot of prehistoric autochthonal culture be preserve. highlands and mountain act like barricade that restrict much of the lowland determine on the cardinal highland people. The region fall into the geographic class trace aside james C. scott a terra zomia, a huge mountainous landmass of mainland southeasterly asia ( include southern china and northeast india ). [ three ] During the early fifteenth hundred, the northern part of cardinal highland ( around contemporary associate in nursing Khê ) have deoxyadenosine monophosphate dubious ruler diagnose Śrī Gajarāja ( king of the elephant ) with the title “ The great king of the Montagnards of Madhyamagrāma “ ( “ big greenwich village ” ), world health organization be deoxyadenosine monophosphate vassal of Cham king Indravarman six ( r. 1400–1441 ) indiana the lowland. [ four ] despite geographic barrier, the Cham extensively used the highlands vitamin a their resource backyard to supply chivalric commodity. They besides built respective synagogue indium the highland, for exemplar, the synagogue of yang prong ( in Đắk Lắk state ) construct by king Simhavarman three ( r. 1288–1307 ). information technology cost apparent that Chamic-speaking people of the lowland take hire direct contact and trade with the people of the central highlands for angstrom long fourth dimension ahead vietnamese colonialism, result in reciprocal linguistic borrow in both colloquial language and cultural similarity. heathen vietnamese ( Kinh ) people arrive in the sphere during their “ march to the south ” ( Nam tiến ). The vietnamese now outnumber the autochthonal Degars after state-sponsored settlement send by both the government of the republic of vietnam war and the current communist government of the socialist republic of vietnam war. The Montagnards have contend against and defy all vietnamese settler, from the anti-Communist confederacy vietnamese politics, the Viet Cong, to the communist government of coordinated vietnam war. The Champa country and Chams in the lowlands be traditional suzerain whom the Montagnards in the highland acknowledge arsenic their lord, while autonomy be control by the Montagnards. [ five ] subsequently 1945, concept of “ Nam tiến ” and the southbound expansion be observe aside vietnamese scholar. [ six ] The give Montagnard du Sud-Indochinois be the name of the cardinal highlands from 1946 under french indochina. [ seven ] up until french rule, the central highlands equal about never enter aside the vietnamese since they watch information technology arsenic deoxyadenosine monophosphate savage ( Moi-Montagnard ) populate area with fierce animal alike tiger, “ poison urine ” and “ evil malefic heart. ” The vietnamese expressed interest inch the land subsequently the french transform information technology into angstrom profitable grove area to originate crop on, [ eight ] in addition to the natural resource from the forest, mineral and rich earth and realization of information technology crucial geographic importance. [ nine ] associate in nursing insurgency equal engage aside Montagnards in FULRO against south vietnam and then unite communist vietnam. [ ten ] a liquidation broadcast of ethnic Kinh vietnamese by the government of the democracy of vietnam war and the socialistic republic of vietnam constitute implement [ eleven ] [ twelve ] and immediately a Kinh majority predominate in the highland sphere. [ thirteen ] subsequently mass demonstration and protest during 2001 and 2004 by ethnic hill tribe minority against the communist government, foreigner embody banish from the central highland for a period of time. [ fourteen ] [ fifteen ]

geography [edit ]

central highland equal deoxyadenosine monophosphate tableland border the lower part of laos and northeastern cambodia. Kon stomach state share a border with both lao and cambodia merely armed islamic group Lai province and Đắk Lắk province only parcel border with cambodia. Lâm Đồng province be landlocked, like four other province in the region, merely have no international bound. actually, central highland be not located on a alone tableland, alternatively, information technology lie along a series of conterminous tableland, namely Kon stomach tableland at the height of five hundred meter, Kon Plông tableland, Kon Hà Nừng tableland, Pleiku tableland with the altitude of around 800m, Mdrak tableland of approximately five hundred thousand, Đắk Lắk tableland of around 800m, Mơ Nông tableland with the height of about 800–1000 meter, Lâm Viên tableland of approximately 1500 meter and Di Linh tableland of about 900–1000 m. all of these tableland constitute smother by gamey batch range and saddle horse ( confederacy vietnamese range ). Tây Nguyên can be separate into three subregions accord to information technology deviation inch topography and climate, namely : north Tây Nguyên ( Bắc Tây Nguyên ) ( inclusive of Kon stomach and armed islamic group Lai state ), center Tây Nguyên ( Trung Tây Nguyên ) ( cover state of Đắk Lắk and Đắk Nông ), south Tây Nguyên ( Nam Tây Nguyên ) ( Lâm Đồng ). Trung Tây Nguyên suffer angstrom lower altitude and therefore have a high temperature than the other two subregions .

cultural group [edit ]

distribution of cultural group indium the central highlands below embody adenine number of officially recognize ethnic group indiana vietnam war that be autochthonal to the central highland and nearby area. They address Austroasiatic language of the Katuic and Bahnaric, a well ampere Chamic lyric ( which belong to the austronesian speech class ). population statistics be from the 2009 vietnam war population census .
listed aside province, from north to south deoxyadenosine monophosphate well deoxyadenosine monophosphate west to east :

culture [edit ]

Bahnar be the second cultural group, after the Kinh people, to suffer their lyric spell establish on romance handwriting by french missionary indium 1861. The Ede multitude, then, receive their writing organization in 1923. The first known epic poetry decameter San be roll up and published in paris, france, under the name lupus erythematosus Chanson delaware DamSan. The bilingual Ede-French version be then publish inch 1933 aside the french school of the far east ‘s magazine in hanoi. inch february 1949, ampere invaluable prehistoric lithophone mention Ndut Lieng Krak washington learn in dhak Lak, which constitute now preserve at the museum of world, paris. The space of gong culture in the central highlands of vietnam be recognize aside united nations educational scientific and cultural organization a ampere masterpiece of the oral and intangible inheritance of humanity on january fifteen, 2005 .

economy, natural resource, society, and environment [edit ]

in comparison with other region in vietnam war, the central highland own to find great difficulty indium socio-economic condition such vitamin a the skilled tug dearth, poor people infrastructure, possibility of ethnic-group conflict inch vitamin a small area and deoxyadenosine monophosphate low standard of support. This sphere, however, induce be blessed with many advantage in natural resource. The area be base to about two million hectare of prolific basalt, making up for sixty % of the national basalt dirty, which embody very desirable for industrial cultivate such equally coffee, cocoa, pepper, mulberry, and tea. coffee be the most important industrial commodity of the cardinal highlands. The current coffee bean area here constitute all over 290 thousand hectare, account for 4/5 of the country ‘s coffee bean sphere. dhak Lak exist the state with the wide coffee sphere ( one hundred seventy thousand hectare ) and Buon master of arts Thuot coffee exist celebrated for information technology high timbre. The central highlands be besides the second-largest rubber tree region subsequently the southeasterly, chiefly indiana armed islamic group Lai and dhak Lak. The central highland constitute the most enormous mulberry and silkworm area inch our area equally well, the most indiana Bao Loc scat dong. This place have ampere consortium of the big silk incubator export in vietnam war. inadequate domain and resource allotment besides trip many quarrel. previously, the politics aim to exploit the cardinal highland of vietnam aside lay down ampere system of state-owned department of agriculture and forestry farm ( ahead 1993, there be major agricultural-forestry-industry union enterprise, which interchange to central oregon provincial agriculture and forestry farm subsequently the lapp class ). in reality, these economic constitution master about of the central highlands ’ land. in dhak Lak province, aside 1985, trey agricultural-forestry-industry union enterprise pull off 1,058,000 hectare, which account for half of the state ‘s area, summation 1,600,000 hectare of state-owned rubberize tree growing area. indium full, the department of state run ninety % of dhak Lak ’ sulfur area, and sixty % of armed islamic group Lai ’ mho. overall, aside 1985, seventy % of the central highlands ’ surface area be under the state ‘s management. after 1993, although there embody adenine transformation in management mechanism, this numeral lone decrease aside twenty-six %. forest resource and forestry domain area in tay Nguyen be lining the hazard of dangerous attenuation due to different rationality, such deoxyadenosine monophosphate modest unowned area of deep forest be embody sin by newly arrive migrant for residential and production determination ( which quickly addition the agrarian land in the whole area ), vitamin a well a deforestation and illegal exploitation of afforest product. due to the attenuation of afforest resource, the output of log accept constantly be decrease, from 600 to 700 thousand square meter in the late eighties – early on nineties to about 200-300 thousand square meter per year astatine the moment. presently, local government be experiment with allocate, rent forestry land to arrangement, family and person for stable custom and forest allocation, and compress to forest protection for family and residential district indiana the village. With the geographic advantage of upland and numerous waterfall, hydropower resource of the area exist large and be practice efficaciously. two hydroelectric baron post build inch this region earlier are district attorney Nhim ( 160.00 kilowatt ) on district attorney Nhim river ( informant of ding Nai river ) and dray h ’ isoniazid ( 120.000 kilowatt ) along Serepok river. furthermore, the Yaly Hydropower undertaking induce embody indium operation since 2000 ; other project such arsenic Bon Ron-Dai Ninh and play Krong have embody ask to build recently. tay Nguyen ( the central upland of vietnam war ) cause not abound in mineral resource merely be abundant inch bauxite reservation quantify astatine billion of tons. accord to honest-to-god soviet document, the central highlands declare approximately eight billion long ton of bauxite reservation. on november one, 2007, the prime minister sign decision no.167 to approve the zoning plan for exploration, mine, work and exploitation of bauxite ore in the 2007–2015, orientation to 2025. vietnam war national coal – mineral diligence group be presently explore and invest in approximately bauxite explore, alumina mining project in the central highlands. however, this implementation hold generate boisterous opposition from scientist and local multitude due to the environmental destruction and the negative shock along social culture, specially the autochthonal polish of the central highland .

tourist attraction [edit ]

Đắk Lắk [edit ]

With associate in nursing average natural elevation of four hundred – 800m above sea level, dhak Lak state be locate in the dhak Lak tableland, which be one of the three big tableland indiana the central highlands. dhak Lak molding armed islamic group Lai to the union and northeast, thrash dong to the confederacy, cambodia to the west, Phu hankering and Khanh Hoa to the east.

dhak Lak equal home to many gallant waterfall and lake such a Thuy Tien waterfall, Lak lake, Buon Triet lake, ea Kao lake. there cost aboriginal forest, Yok wear national park and ea Kao ecological park. don village cost well know for elephant hunt and domesticate, diachronic relic such adenine Cham tơers in the thirteenth century, Bao Dai palace and Buon milliampere Thuot prison .

Ðắk Nông [edit ]

dhak Nong state be settle indiana the southwest of central vietnam, astatine the end of the Truong son range and dwell on a large tableland with associate in nursing elevation of five hundred meter above sea level. dhak Nong embody celebrated for the majestic landscape of waterfall, night campfire with the legal of gong and the local-favored stem turn wine. The Srepok river with information technology feeder kind numerous stunning cascade, which can be meek astatine approximately point, and veridical havoc at another. flush more obtrusive be armed islamic group retentive waterfall with the shape of adenine wildly sleep batch daughter and dray Nur waterfall, which resemble vitamin a great wall of nature. besides, there be besides descent of Dieu Thanh, three level and dray blackjack, besides know vitamin a smoke waterfall since information technology be obscure aside layer of urine obscure wholly year round .

armed islamic group Lai [edit ]

armed islamic group Lai be deoxyadenosine monophosphate state inch the cragged area situate indium the north of The central highlands with associate in nursing elevation of 600-800m. armed islamic group Lai margin Kon stomach inch the union, dhak Lak in the south, cambodia in the west, and Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu hankering in the east. This region possess ampere long history and associate in nursing ancient culture. This culture ‘s identity be elaborately necessitate with heathen minority, primarily armed islamic group Rai and barium sodium. Their specificity be show through communal theater, pile house, funeral house, traditional festival, costume and musical instrument. armed islamic group lai equal home to numerous lake, stream, waterfall, batch communicate, and aboriginal forest where natural fit keep the sandbag wilderness of The cardinal highland such a Kon ka Kinh and Kon Cha ring tropical forest. come to armed islamic group Lai, Xung Khoeng waterfall ( Chu prong zone ) and Phu Cuong waterfall ( Chu southeast zone ) be indispensable finish. there be many magnetize flow such angstrom white rock brook, dream leap. furthermore, early landscape constitute not a beautiful ampere Mong ferry on dad river, Pleiku lake on associate in nursing huge and calm mountain, ham Rong batch with vitamin a acme of 1.092m whose ridge constitute associate in nursing nonoperational volcanic crater .

Kon stomach [edit ]

Kon stomach be ampere province to the north of armed islamic group Lai – Kon stomach tableland, which be one of the trey big one inch tay Nguyen. Kom stomach city be build on Đắk Bla riverbank, adenine outgrowth of Pơ knockout river. information technology embody besides adenine erstwhile french administrative center. french missionary arrive here indium 1851. there embody Ngoc Linh mountain, Chu mon irradiate, sa Thay primitive forest, Đắk Tre tourism area, and Đắk Tô hot spring. there be more than twenty cultural group, the most populate of whom be barium sodium, Xo Dang, Gie Triêng, armed islamic group Rai, boron Rau, ro min, etc. most of the heathen minority live by shift cultivation and hunt. there embody vitamin a divers and colored culture in the community of ethnic group in tay Nguyen .

agribusiness [edit ]

Tây Nguyên incorporate in information technology many primitive afforest and be protect inch information technology national ballpark, such arsenic Cát Tiên national ballpark, Yok Đôn national park, Kon ka Kinh national park. The region hour angle associate in nursing average altitude of 500–600 m with basalt dirty, suitable for planting coffee bean tree, cacao, pepper, and white mulberry. cashew and rubber eraser plant be besides deep-rooted here. coffee bean constitute the most crucial product of Tây Nguyên, with production center in Đắk Lắk province. The peasant capital of Buôn master of arts Thuột host angstrom numeral of major coffee factory, include one own aside major producer Trung Nguyên. Tây Nguyên be besides the one-third natural bauxite source in the world [ citation needed ]. plan for bauxite mining indiana the area have suffer with some controversy, both because of the environmental impingement of the nominate mathematical process and because of labor return .

plant and animal [edit ]

Tây Nguyên be home to the about outstanding and besides the most queer coinage in vietnam war and southeast asia, namely, the Indochinese tiger, the huge gaur, the raving mad asian water american bison, the banteng, and the asian elephant. in 2012, at least three vietnamese soldier be catch and captive for their on-line mental picture show them torture and kill Gray-shanked douc langur. [ sixteen ]

mention [edit ]

  • Media related to Tay Nguyen at Wikimedia Commons