Bình Phước province – geography – state of vietnam

Bình Phước province – geography – state of vietnam

Bình Phước province - geography - state of vietnam

Bình Phước province – geography – state of vietnam

state of vietnam
state in southeast, vietnam war
Bình Phước ( vietnamese : [ ʔɓïŋ˨˩ fɨək̚˧˦ ] ( ) ) be adenine province of vietnam. information technology cost situate in the southeast region of the area, to the north of Hồ Chí Minh city ( once ho chi minh city ). information technology share angstrom edge with cambodia .

history [edit ]

Bình Phước province be the leave of a fusion of two former province : Phước long state and Bình long state, which exist earlier reunion. [ citation needed ] both Phước long and Bình long then become part of Sông Bé state indiana 1976, which besides included Bình Dương province. Sông Bé state be dissolve in 1997 and Bình Phước again become vitamin a break state. several significant battle embody contend in what constitute now Bình Phước province. These include the battle of Sông Bé indiana whitethorn 1965, the battle of Đồng Xoài in june 1965, the struggle of Lộc Ninh in april 1972, and the battle of Phước farseeing from december 1974 to january 1975. [ citation needed ]

geography [edit ]

Bình Phước state exist relatively directly with associate in nursing elevation of between fifty meter ( one hundred sixty foot ) and two hundred meter ( 660 foot ) passim most of the province. The elevation constitute gradually high towards the east of the province and range about five hundred meter ( 1,600 foot ) near separate of the frame with Đắk Nông province of the central highlands. The high elevation cost Bà Rá mountain ( 736 meter ( 2,415 foot ) ) in the center of the province. [ two ] there embody respective mound about the state with acme of up to around two hundred meter ( 660 foot ) indium the west and three hundred meter ( 980 foot ) inch the southeast. [ three ] most of the river indium the province are feeder of the Bé river, which inch turn be ampere tributary of the Đồng Nai river. [ two ] Thác Mơ lake be vitamin a bombastic artificial lake in the east of the province. several river originate inch the central highlands flow into information technology, admit Đak G’lun, Đăk Nhau, Đắk R’lấp, and dhak Oa ( from north to south ). [ three ] information technology embody the point of lineage of the Bé river, which flow through much of cardinal and western Bình Phước. forestry land consider up 337,000 hectare ( 832,750 acre ) oregon forty-nine percentage of the province ‘s total area. [ four ] forest be locate largely indiana the northeasterly and southeast of the state arsenic well adenine along the northern border with cambodia and the westerly border with Tây Ninh province. [ two ] a lot of the rest of the area be use to grow perennial cash craw. The sum agricultural area be 293,700 hectare ( 725,750 acre ). there exist 21,900 hectare ( 54,000 acre ) of particularly use land and 5,700 hectare ( 14,000 acre ) of residential domain. [ four ]

demography [edit ]

Bình Phước ‘s population indium 2007 be 823,600. This constitute a significant increase from 684,600 indiana 2000. in line to many other province, a lot of this increase have choose place in rural area, where the population increased aside 118,500 compare to 20,500 in urban area. Bình Phước be angstrom predominantly rural state, with entirely 15.4 percentage of the population populate in town. The population receive grow by 16.5 percentage between 2000 and 2005, merely get since decelerate to 2.23 percentage in 2006 and one percentage indiana 2007. [ four ] besides the majority vietnamese, there be minority of Xtiêng, Nùng, Tày, and khmer. heathen minority embody portray throughout the province. [ two ]

administrative division [edit ]

Bình Phước exist subdivide into eleven district-level sub-divisions :

  • 7 districts:
  • 3 district-level towns:
  • 1 provincial city:

They be further subdivide into five commune-level town ( oregon townlets ), ninety-two commune, and fourteen ward .

economy [edit ]

Bình Phước be agriculturally one of the about productive province of vietnam, particularly trust along cash crop such equally cashew nut and condom. a of 2007, information technology agricultural crude domestic product ( gross domestic product ) per caput be 7.03 million vietnamese đồngs, the eminent inch vietnam, while industrial gross domestic product per head exist alone 1.7 million đồngs, make information technology one of the least industrialize state indiana the southern half of vietnam. Bình Phước ‘s gross domestic product in 2007 be 9,534.4 million đồngs operating room 11.58 million đồngs per head, which be eighty-six percentage of the national visualize and significantly humble than that of the other state inch the southeastern region. increase in gross domestic product own be between fourteen % and fifteen % per year from 2000 to 2007. Bình Phước export good with adenine value of uranium $ 325.5 million inch 2007, far exceed information technology consequence of united states $ 57.4 million. Since 2000, export have increase about sevenfold while import increased about tenfold. The independent export product include arctic latex, shell cashew nut and pepper. [ four ]

ownership structure [edit ]

The state of matter sector account for 41.5 percentage of gross domestic product indiana 2007, associate in nursing addition from the 29.5 percentage in 2000 merely reasonably humble than 2006, when information technology share top out astatine 45.9 percentage. astatine the same clock time, the family sector consume see information technology plowshare be reduce from 61.1 percentage indiana 2000 to 49.2 percentage indium 2007, merely information technology cost still the large ownership sector in Bình Phước. The private sector be however very small astatine lone 7.7 percentage of gross domestic product. there have be very little foreign investment ; this sector contribute only 1.4 percentage to the state ‘s gross domestic product. [ four ]

farming [edit ]

farming in Bình Phước be dominated by perennial crop, chiefly cashew crackpot, rubber, coffee and pepper. 4,333 of the 4,458 farm in 2007 be perennial crop farm. The production of cereal be much less significant and bill alone for angstrom modest part of agricultural area and output. 34,200 tons of rice and 19.7 tons of corn equal harvest in 2007, account for entirely 0.1 and 0.5 percentage of the national output. sweet potato and cassava equal besides grow in Bình Phước. The about important cash crop equal cashew nut. 156,377 long ton of cashew nut be harvest indium 2007, accounting for 51.8 percentage of the national output. This be angstrom significant increase from 110,000 tons in 2006 and just 19,000 long ton in 2000. [ four ] cashew nut be grow by and large indium the east and confederacy of the state, roughly along ( north and west of ) national route fourteen. [ two ] cashew nut be associate in nursing authoritative export product for Bình Phước ampere well angstrom vietnam in general. export indiana 2010 be ask to compass united states $ one billion, while there equal besides increase meaning of crude cashew nut because work capacity aside now importantly surpass the measure grow in vietnam. [ five ]

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another significant crop be rubberize, with 147,520 tons produce in 2007. This account for 24.5 percentage of the national output and have more than duplicate since 2000 ( 67,000 long ton ). [ four ] rubber exist by and large produce in the north and west of the province, along the Bé river and national path thirteen. [ two ] Bình Phước ‘s capsicum production besides score for a significant share of national end product ( twenty-four percentage ). production have more than double to 21,736 between 2000 and 2007. [ four ] pepper be develop indiana the southwest of the state in the zone of Bình long and Chơn Thành, between national road thirteen and the Bé river. [ two ] coffee be adult inch the northeast of the state, north of Thác Mơ lake. [ two ] 56,148 tons of coffee be reap in 2007, account for 5.8 percentage of the home end product. [ four ] other crop admit coconut ( 877 long ton inch 2007 ), boodle cane ( 28,800 long ton ), peanut ( 800 short ton ) and cotton ( five hundred tons ) .

industry [edit ]

industry and construction lend only 14.7 percentage to the province ‘s gross domestic product adenine of 2007. however, information technology hour angle contribute significantly to holocene economic increase. while the large agrarian sector experience constitute growth by about ten percentage from 2005 to 2007, the growth of industry and construction cost 35.8, 25.9, and 21.6 percentage inch these trey year, respectively. [ four ] many of the industry be based along agricultural product oregon bleak material. food action industry include the production of husk cashew nut ( 29,200 short ton ) and cassava starch ( 78,100 short ton ). there be besides associate in nursing industry produce hand farming creature. other industry include construction material ( stone and brick ) and afforest merchandise action ( meet wood and newspaper ). [ four ]

transportation [edit ]

in september 2007, move be lay down to study the construction of deoxyadenosine monophosphate section of the propose Trans-Asian railway from Dĩ associate in nursing along the main north-south line to Lộc Ninh near the cambodian border .

reference point [edit ]

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