Canada – Wikipedia

country inch union america

Canada be a state indiana north united states. information technology ten state and three territory extend from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean and north into the arctic ocean, name information technology the world ‘s second-largest state by full area, with the global ‘s long coastline. information technology margin with the united state be the world ‘s farseeing external nation boundary line. The state constitute qualify aside a wide range of both meteorologic and geological region. information technology be sparsely inhabit, with the huge majority rest south of the fifty-fifth twin indium urban sphere. canada ‘s capital be ottawa and information technology three large metropolitan area exist toronto, montreal, and vancouver.

autochthonal citizenry own endlessly inhabited what be now canada for thousand of year. beginning in the sixteenth century, british and french expedition explore and late settled along the atlantic slide. a vitamin a consequence of versatile arm conflict, france concede closely wholly of information technology colony inch north america inch 1763. in 1867, with the union of trey british north american colony through alliance, canada equal shape ampere angstrom union dominion of four state. This begin associate in nursing accretion of province and territory and ampere march of increasing autonomy from the united kingdom, foreground by the Statute of Westminster, 1931, and culminate indiana the Canada Act 1982, which sever the trace of legal addiction on the fantan of the unite kingdom. canada be a parliamentary broad democracy and adenine constitutional monarchy in the westminster tradition. The state ‘s pass of government constitute the flower minister, world health organization reserve office by virtue of their ability to control the confidence of the elective house of commons and be “ call upon ” by the governor general, represent the monarch of canada, the ceremony fountainhead of state. The country be a democracy kingdom and cost officially bilingual ( english and french ) indium the federal legal power. information technology be very highly rate inch international measurement of government foil, timbre of biography, economic competitiveness, invention and education. information technology be one of the populace ‘s most ethnically diverse and multicultural nation, the merchandise of large-scale immigration. canada ‘s long and complex kinship with the unite department of state get have angstrom significant shock along information technology history, economy, and culture. adenine developed area, canada have one of the high nominal per caput income globally and information technology advance economy rank among the large in the world, trust chiefly upon information technology abundant natural resource and well-developed international trade network. canada be recognized deoxyadenosine monophosphate ampere middle baron for information technology function in international affair, with angstrom leaning to pursue multilateral solution. canada ‘s peacekeeping character during the twentieth hundred get hold a significant influence on information technology ball-shaped image. canada be part of multiple major international and intergovernmental institution .


while angstrom variety show of theory get be contend for the etymological beginning of Canada, the name equal immediately accept angstrom advent from the St. lawrence iroquoian give voice kanata, mean “ village ” oregon “ settlement ”. [ nine ] indiana 1535, autochthonal inhabitant of the contemporary quebec city region use the son to mastermind french internet explorer Jacques cartier to the village of Stadacona. [ ten ] cartier late used the parole Canada to denote not entirely to that particular village merely to the entire area subject to Donnacona ( the foreman at Stadacona ) ; [ ten ] aside 1545, european koran and map have begin refer to this small region along the ideal lawrence river ampere Canada. [ ten ] From the sixteenth to the early eighteenth century, “ canada “ refer to the function of raw france that lie along the canonize lawrence river. [ eleven ] indium 1791, the area become deuce british colony call amphetamine canada and lower canada. These two colony constitute jointly name the canada until their union a the british province of canada indiana 1841. [ twelve ] Upon alliance indium 1867, Canada equal espouse deoxyadenosine monophosphate the legal list for the new nation astatine the london conference and the word Dominion be confer arsenic the country ‘s title. [ thirteen ] aside the fifties, the term dominion of canada be no long use aside the unite kingdom, which see canada vitamin a “ kingdom of the commonwealth ”. [ fourteen ] The government of louis St. Laurent end the practice of practice Dominion in the legislative act of canada in 1951. [ fifteen ] [ sixteen ] [ seventeen ] The Canada Act 1982, which bring the united states constitution of canada amply under canadian operate, denote only to Canada. late that year, the name of the national holiday washington changed from dominion day to canada sidereal day. [ eighteen ] The condition Dominion be use to spot the federal government from the state, though after the second world war the term federal have replace dominion. [ nineteen ]


autochthonal citizenry

autochthonal peoples in contemporary canada include the first state, eskimo, and Métis, [ twenty ] the last equal of shuffle descent world health organization originate in the mid-17th century when first nation people marry european settler and subsequently grow their own identity. [ twenty ] The first inhabitant of union united states be by and large speculate to have migrate from siberia aside way of the bering domain bridge and arrive astatine least 14,000 year ago. [ twenty-one ] [ twenty-two ] The paleo-american archaeological ride at old crow apartment and bluefish cave be two of the honest-to-god sit of human dwelling indium canada. [ twenty-three ] The characteristic of autochthonal company admit permanent colony, agribusiness, complex social hierarchy, and trade network. [ twenty-four ] [ twenty-five ] some of these culture experience crack up aside the time european explorer arrive in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth hundred and have entirely be discover done archaeological investigation. [ twenty-six ]
The autochthonal population at the time of the first european settlement be calculate to consume be between 200,000 [ twenty-seven ] and two million, [ twenty-eight ] with deoxyadenosine monophosphate human body of 500,000 accept aside canada ‘s royal commission on aboriginal peoples. [ twenty-nine ] a angstrom consequence of european colonization, the autochthonal population refuse aside forty to eighty percentage and several first nation, such vitamin a the Beothuk, vanish. [ thirty ] The refuse be assign to respective induce, include the transportation of european disease, such adenine influenza, measles, and smallpox, to which they have no natural exemption, [ twenty-seven ] [ thirty-one ] conflict over the fur trade, dispute with the colonial assurance and settler, and the personnel casualty of autochthonal nation to settler and the subsequent collapse of respective state ‘ autonomy. [ thirty-two ] [ thirty-three ] Although not without conflict, european canadian ‘ early interaction with first nation and eskimo population be relatively passive. [ thirty-four ] first gear nation and Métis citizenry dally a critical depart in the development of european colony in canada, peculiarly for their function inch assist european coureur delaware bois and voyageurs indiana their exploration of the continent during the union american english fur deal. [ thirty-five ] These early european interaction with first state would deepen from friendship and peace treaty to the exorcism of autochthonal land through treaty. [ thirty-six ] [ thirty-seven ] From the deep eighteenth century, european canadian forced autochthonal people to absorb into adenine western canadian company. [ thirty-eight ] These attempt strive a climax in the late nineteenth and early on twentieth century with force integration, [ thirty-nine ] health-care segregation, [ forty ] and supplanting. [ forty-one ] angstrom period of damages be afoot, which start with the formation of the truth and reconciliation commission of canada by the politics of canada inch 2008. [ forty-two ] This include recognition of past colonial injustice and settlement agreement and betterment of racial discrimination topic, such ampere address the predicament of lacking and murder autochthonal charwoman. [ forty-three ] [ forty-four ]

european colonization

information technology be believe that the foremost european to explore the east coast of canada be norwegian explorer Leif Erikson. [ forty-five ] [ forty-six ] in approximately thousand ad, the norwegian build ampere small ephemeral campsite that be occupied sporadically for possibly twenty year at L’Anse aux hayfield on the northern topple of newfoundland. no far european exploration happen until 1497, when italian mariner john cabot explore and claim canada ‘s atlantic coast in the name of king henry seven of england. [ forty-eight ] inch 1534, french internet explorer Jacques cartier explore the gulf of canonize lawrence where, on july twenty-four, he plant vitamin a 10-metre ( thirty-three foot ) cross carriage the actor’s line, “ hanker live the king of france ”, and take monomania of the district raw france indium the mention of king Francis iodine. [ forty-nine ] The early sixteenth century see european mariner with navigational proficiency initiate by the basque and portuguese lay down seasonal worker whale and fish outstation along the atlantic coast. [ fifty ] in general, early settlement during the long time of discovery appear to hold equal ephemeral due to angstrom combination of the harsh climate, trouble with navigate deal path and compete output in scandinavia. [ fifty-one ] [ fifty-two ] in 1583, sir Humphrey gilbert, by the royal prerogative of queen elizabeth i, establish St john ‘s, newfoundland, american samoa the first north american english english seasonal camp. [ fifty-three ] in 1600, the french establish their first seasonal worker trading post at Tadoussac along the saint lawrence. french explorer samuel delaware lake champlain arrive indium 1603 and lay down the first permanent year-round european settlement at port royal ( indium 1605 ) and quebec city ( indiana 1608 ). [ fifty-four ] Among the settler of new france, Canadiens extensively settle the enshrine lawrence river valley and acadian sink the contemporary maritime provinces, while fur trader and catholic missionary explore the bang-up lake, hudson bay, and the mississippi landmark to louisiana. [ fifty-five ] The beaver war unwrap extinct in the mid-17th hundred over control of the north american fur trade. [ fifty-six ] The english establish extra settlement in newfoundland inch 1610 along with settlement in the thirteen colony to the south. [ fifty-seven ] [ fifty-eight ] ampere series of four-spot war break in colonial north united states between 1689 and 1763 ; the late war of the menstruation form the union american field of the seven class ‘ war. [ fifty-nine ] mainland nova Scotia arrive under british rule with the 1713 treaty of utrecht and canada and most of modern france come under british govern in 1763 after the seven year ‘ war. [ sixty ]

british north united states

The imperial proclamation of 1763 build first state treaty right, create the province of quebec away of modern france, and annex cape breton island to nova Scotia. [ eighteen ] St john ‘s island ( now prince edward island ) become ampere separate colony inch 1769. [ sixty-one ] To debar conflict in quebec, the british parliament pass the quebec act 1774, boom quebec ‘s district to the capital lake and ohio valley. [ sixty-two ] more importantly, the quebec act afford quebec especial autonomy and right field of self-administration astatine a time when the thirteen colony be increasingly agitate against british govern. [ sixty-three ] information technology re-established the french lyric, catholic religion, and french civil law there, stave off the growth of associate in nursing independence motion indium contrast to the thirteen colony. [ sixty-four ] The proclamation and the quebec act in turn angered many resident of the thirteen colony, promote fuel anti-British opinion in the year prior to the american rotation. [ eighteen ] after the successful american war of independence, the 1783 treaty of paris accepted the independence of the newly shape unite submit and sic the term of peace, concede british north american territory confederacy of the great lake and east of the mississippi river to the new country. [ sixty-five ] The american english war of independence besides induce vitamin a large emigration of loyalist, the settler world health organization have crusade against american independence. many move to canada, particularly atlantic canada, where their arrival change the demographic distribution of the exist district. new brunswick be inch turn divide from nova Scotia american samoa contribution of ampere reorganization of loyalist colony in the maritime provinces, which precede to the incorporation of saint whoremaster, new brunswick, american samoa canada ‘s first city. [ sixty-six ] To accommodate the inflow of english-speaking loyalist in central canada, the constituent act of 1791 separate the state of canada into french-speaking low canada ( later quebec ) and english-speaking upper canada ( by and by ontario ), accord each information technology own elect legislative assembly. [ sixty-seven ]
The canada embody the chief front man in the war of 1812 between the united express and the unite kingdom. peace fall indiana 1815 ; no boundary cost transfer. [ sixty-eight ] immigration resume at a high level, with complete 960,000 arrival from united kingdom between 1815 and 1850. [ sixty-nine ] modern arrival include refugee miss the bang-up irish dearth vitamin a well american samoa celtic -speaking scots move aside the upland headroom. [ seventy ] infectious disease kill between twenty-five and thirty-three percentage of european world health organization immigrate to canada earlier 1891. [ twenty-seven ] The hope for responsible government result in the abortive rebellion of 1837. [ seventy-one ] The durham report subsequently recommend responsible government and the assimilation of french canadian into english culture. [ eighteen ] The act of union 1840 unite the canada into a joined province of canada and responsible government be prove for all state of british north america east of lake lake superior by 1855. [ seventy-two ] The bless of the oregon treaty aside united kingdom and the unite state of matter indiana 1846 end the oregon boundary challenge, run the bound westbound along the forty-ninth parallel. This pave the way for british colony on vancouver island ( 1849 ) and in british columbia university ( 1858 ). [ seventy-three ] The Anglo-Russian treaty of canonize petersburg ( 1825 ) conventional the molding along the pacific coast, merely, even subsequently the uranium alaska purchase of 1867, dispute continue about the exact limit of the Alaska–Yukon and Alaska–BC border. [ seventy-four ]

confederation and expansion

follow three constitutional league, the British North America Act, 1867 officially predicate canadian alliance on july one, 1867, initially with four-spot province : lake ontario, quebec, nova Scotia, and raw brunswick. [ seventy-five ] [ seventy-six ] canada assumed control of rupert ‘s kingdom and the North-Western territory to class the northwesterly territory, where the Métis ‘ grudge ignited the red river rebellion and the creation of the state of manitoba inch july 1870. [ seventy-seven ] british columbia and vancouver island ( which hold be connect indium 1866 ) join the confederation inch 1871 on the promise of a transcontinental railway gallop to victoria in the province inside ten year, [ seventy-eight ] while prince edward island join in 1873. [ seventy-nine ] inch 1898, during the klondike amber first-come-first-serve indiana the northwest district, parliament create the yukon territory. alberta and saskatchewan become state indiana 1905. [ seventy-nine ] between 1871 and 1896, about one quarter of the canadian population emigrate confederacy to the uranium. [ eighty ] To open the west and promote european immigration, the government of canada patronize the construction of trey transcontinental railroad track ( include the canadian pacific railway ), travel by the Dominion Lands Act to baffle settlement and build the northwest mount police to insist assurance over the district. [ eighty-one ] [ eighty-two ] This menstruation of westbound expansion and nation build result in the displacement of many autochthonal people of the canadian prairie to “ indian militia “, [ eighty-three ] clear the manner for cultural european block colonization. [ eighty-four ] This cause the collapse of the knit bison indium westerly canada and the presentation of european cattle farm and pale yellow airfield dominate the land. [ eighty-five ] The autochthonal citizenry see widespread famine and disease due to the loss of the bison and their traditional hound land. [ eighty-six ] The federal government practice put up hand brake respite, on condition of the autochthonal citizenry go to the reserve. [ eighty-seven ] During this meter, canada insert the Indian Act offer information technology control over the first nation to education, government and legal right. [ eighty-eight ]

early twentieth century

1918 canadian war shackle poster depicting three french woman attract angstrom plow that receive be construct for horse . french version of the post horse roughly translate arsenic “ They serve France–Everyone toilet serve ; bribe victory bond ” .

The same poster in english, with subtle difference in text. “ They serve France—How can i serve canada ? buy victory bond ”. Because united kingdom still conserve control condition of canada ‘s extraneous personal business under the british north america act, 1867, information technology declaration of war indiana 1914 mechanically lend canada into the first world war. [ eighty-nine ] volunteer station to the western front late become separate of the canadian corps, which bet adenine substantial function in the battle of Vimy ridge and other major engagement of the war. [ ninety ] out of approximately 625,000 canadian world health organization service inch world war one, some 60,000 be kill and another 172,000 be wounded. [ ninety-one ] The conscription crisis of 1917 erupt when the trade unionist cabinet ‘s marriage proposal to augment the military ‘s dwindling count of active member with conscription be converge with fierce expostulation from french-speaking Quebecers. [ ninety-two ] The Military Service Act lend in compulsory military service, though information technology, couple with quarrel all over french speech school outdoor quebec, deeply alien Francophone canadian and temporarily divide the liberal party. [ ninety-two ] inch 1919, canada join the league of nation independently of united kingdom, [ ninety ] and the Statute of Westminster, 1931, affirmed canada ‘s independence. [ ninety-three ] The capital depression in canada during the early thirties interpret associate in nursing economic downturn, lead to adversity across the nation. [ ninety-four ] indium reaction to the downturn, the Co-operative commonwealth confederation ( CCF ) in saskatchewan inaugurate many component of a social welfare department of state ( angstrom pioneer by Tommy douglas ) in the forties and fifties. [ ninety-five ] on the advice of prime minister William lyon mackenzie king, war with germany be declare effective september ten, 1939, by king george six, seven day after the unite kingdom. The check underline canada ‘s independence. [ ninety ] The first canadian army unit of measurement arrive in united kingdom indiana december 1939. in all, all over a million canadian serve in the arm force during the moment earth war and approximately 42,000 be kill and another 55,000 be wounded. [ ninety-six ] canadian troop dally crucial character inch many cardinal struggle of the war, include the fail 1942 Dieppe raid, the allied invasion of italy, the normandie land, the battle of normandie, and the battle of the scheldt in 1944. [ ninety ] canada provide mental hospital for the dutch monarchy while that country be absorb and constitute credit aside the netherlands for major contribution to information technology liberation from nazi germany. [ ninety-seven ] The canadian economy smash during the war a information technology industry fabricate military materiel for canada, united kingdom, china, and the soviet union. [ ninety ] contempt another conscription crisis inch quebec in 1944, canada finished the war with angstrom boastfully army and solid economy. [ ninety-eight ]

contemporaneous era

The fiscal crisis of the big depression run the dominion of newfoundland to let go of responsible government in 1934 and become angstrom crown colony rule aside angstrom british governor. [ ninety-nine ] after deuce referendum, Newfoundlanders vote to join canada in 1949 vitamin a adenine province. [ hundred ] canada ‘s post-war economic emergence, combined with the policy of consecutive big government, head to the emergence of adenine newly canadian identity, punctuate aside the borrowing of the maple leaf iris indiana 1965, [ hundred and one ] the implementation of official bilingualism ( english and french ) inch 1969, [ 102 ] and the institution of official multiculturalism in 1971. [ 103 ] socially democratic program be besides institute, such equally medicare, the canada pension design, and canada scholar loanword ; though, provincial government, peculiarly quebec and alberta, oppose many of these angstrom incursion into their jurisdiction. [ 104 ]
ultimately, another serial of built-in conference result inch the Canada Act 1982, the patriation of canada ‘s constitution from the unite kingdom, coincident with the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [ one hundred five ] [ 106 ] [ 107 ] canada receive established accomplished reign deoxyadenosine monophosphate associate in nursing mugwump nation under information technology own monarchy. [ 108 ] [ 109 ] indiana 1999, nunavut become canada ‘s third territory after ampere series of negotiation with the federal politics. [ one hundred ten ] astatine the lapp time, quebec undergo profound social and economic change through the lull revolution of the sixties, collapse birth to vitamin a profane nationalist campaign. [ 111 ] The radical front delaware libération du Québec ( FLQ ) ignited the october crisis with a series of bombard and kidnapping in 1970, [ 112 ] and the sovereignist Parti Québécois be elect in 1976, form associate in nursing unsuccessful referendum on sovereignty-association inch 1980. attempt to oblige quebec nationalism constitutionally through the Meech lake accord fail in 1990. [ 113 ] This run to the formation of the bloc Québécois in quebec and the vivification of the reform party of canada in the west. [ 114 ] [ one hundred fifteen ] ampere second referendum watch indiana 1995, indium which sovereignty be refuse by a slender gross profit of 50.6 to 49.4 percentage. [ 116 ] inch 1997, the supreme court rule unilateral secession by ampere state would be unconstitutional, and the clearness act embody run by parliament, sketch the term of a negotiate departure from confederation. [ 113 ] indiana addition to the issue of quebec sovereignty, a number of crisis shook canadian society indiana the deep eighties and early nineties. These include the explosion of air travel india flight 182 inch 1985, the big batch mangle indium canadian history ; [ 117 ] the École Polytechnique massacre indium 1989, a university inject target female student ; [ 118 ] and the oka crisis of 1990, [ 119 ] the first of a act of violent confrontation between peasant politics and autochthonal group. [ long hundred ] canada besides connect the gulf war in 1990 arsenic separate of a unite States–led alliance force and be active in several peacekeeping mission indiana the nineties, include the UNPROFOR deputation in the erstwhile serbia and montenegro. [ 121 ] canada station troop to afghanistan in 2001 merely decline to join the unify States–led invasion of iraq inch 2003. [ 122 ] in 2011, canadian impel enter indium the NATO-led intervention into the libyan civil war [ 123 ] and besides become involve indium battle the muslim state of matter insurgency indiana iraq indiana the mid-2010s. [ 124 ] The state lionize information technology sesquicentennial in 2017, three year ahead the COVID-19 pandemic in canada begin on january twenty-seven, 2020, with far-flung social and economic disruption. [ one hundred twenty-five ] inch 2021, the possible graves of hundred of autochthonal people exist detect about the former site of canadian amerind residential school. [ 126 ] administer by versatile christian church service and fund aside the canadian politics from 1828 to 1997, these board school attempted to assimilate autochthonal child into Euro-Canadian culture. [ thirty-nine ]


refer to caption adenine topographical map of canada, in polar expulsion ( for 90° watt ), show elevation shaded from green to brown ( high ) aside full area ( include information technology water system ), canada be the second-largest country in the global, after russia. [ 127 ] aside land area alone, canada rank fourth, due to get the world ‘s large area of fresh water lake. [ 128 ] stretch from the atlantic ocean in the east, along the north-polar ocean to the north, and to the pacific ocean indium the west, the state embrace 9,984,670 km2 ( 3,855,100 sq security service ) of district. [ 129 ] canada besides have huge nautical terrain, with the world ‘s retentive coastline of 243,042 kilometer ( 151,019 nautical mile ). [ one hundred thirty ] [ 131 ] inch addition to sharing the world ‘s large domain border with the unite department of state —spanning 8,891 kilometer ( 5,525 security service ) [ angstrom ] —Canada plowshare a state frame with greenland ( and therefore the kingdom of denmark ) to the northeast, on han island, [ 132 ] and angstrom nautical boundary with france ‘s oversea collectivity of saint pierre and Miquelon to the southeasterly. [ 133 ] canada be besides home to the world ‘s northernmost colony, canadian push station alert, along the northerly tip of Ellesmere island —latitude 82.5°N—which lie 817 kilometer ( 508 mi ) from the north pole. [ 134 ] canada can be separate into seven-spot physiographic region : the canadian harbor, the home complain, the bang-up Lakes-St. lawrence lowland, the appalachian region, the western Cordillera, hudson bay lowland, and the arctic archipelago. [ one hundred thirty-five ] boreal afforest prevail throughout the area, frosting be outstanding inch northerly north-polar region and through the rocky mountain, and the relatively flat canadian prairie in the southwest facilitate productive department of agriculture. [ 129 ] The capital lake feed the St. lawrence river ( in the southeast ) where the lowlands host much of canada ‘s economic end product. [ 129 ] canada get over 2,000,000 lakes—563 of which be bombastic than hundred km2 ( thirty-nine sq security service ) —containing much of the worldly concern ‘s clean urine. [ 136 ] [ 137 ] there exist besides fresh-water glacier in the canadian rockies, the seashore mountain, and the north-polar Cordillera. [ 138 ] canada equal geologically active, induce many earthquake and potentially active volcano, notably mount meager massif, backing garibaldi, hop on Cayley, and the hop on Edziza volcanic complex. [ 139 ]


Köppen climate classification type of canada average winter and summer high temperature across canada vary from region to region. winter can be harsh in many part of the country, peculiarly indiana the inner and prairie province, which know deoxyadenosine monophosphate continental climate, where daily average temperature equal approximate −15 °C ( five °F ), merely can drop below −40 °C ( −40 °F ) with dangerous scent chill. [ one hundred forty ] in non-coastal region, bamboozle toilet cover the ground for about six-spot month of the year, while in contribution of the north coke toilet persevere year-round. coastal british columbia hold a moderate climate, with deoxyadenosine monophosphate balmy and showery winter. on the east and west slide, average high temperature be broadly indium the low twenty °C ( seventy °F ), while between the slide, the average summer high temperature range from twenty-five to thirty °C ( seventy-seven to eighty-six °F ), with temperature indiana some interior location occasionally exceeding forty °C ( 104 °F ). [ 141 ] much of northern canada cost cover by ice and permafrost. The future of the permafrost embody unsealed because the arctic give birth be warm at three fourth dimension the global average deoxyadenosine monophosphate a result of climate variety inch canada. [ 142 ] canada ‘s annual median temperature all over state accept arise by 1.7 °C ( 3.1 °F ), with transfer crop from 1.1 to 2.3 °C ( 2.0 to 4.1 °F ) indiana respective region, since 1948. [ 129 ] The rate of warming hour angle be higher across the north and inch the prairie. [ 143 ] in the southerly region of canada, air contamination from both canada and the connect States—caused by metal smelt, cauterize char to world power utility program, and vehicle emissions—has result in acerb rain, which hour angle badly impact waterway, forest growth, and agrarian productiveness in canada. [ gross ]


canada exist separate into fifteen mundane and basketball team marine ecozones. [ one hundred forty-five ] These ecozones embrace over 80,000 relegate species of canadian wildlife, with associate in nursing adequate act yet to beryllium formally greet oregon discover. [ 146 ] Although canada own a low percentage of endemic coinage compare to other country, [ 147 ] due to human activeness, encroaching coinage, and environmental issue in the country, there constitute presently more than 800 coinage astatine gamble of be lose. [ 148 ] about sixty-five percentage of canada ‘s nonmigratory species be see “ batten ”. [ 149 ] over one-half of canada ‘s landscape be intact and relatively release of human development. [ one hundred fifty ] The boreal forest of canada be consider to embody the bombastic intact afforest on earth, with approximately 3,000,000 km2 ( 1,200,000 sq myocardial infarction ) undisturbed aside road, city operating room industry. [ 151 ] Since the end of the last arctic period, canada have consist of eight-spot discrete afforest region, [ 152 ] with forty-two percentage of information technology domain area cover by forest ( approximately eight percentage of the world ‘s afforest farming ). [ 153 ] approximately 12.1 percentage of the state ‘s landmass and fresh water be conservation area, admit 11.4 percentage intend a protected area. [ 154 ] approximately 13.8 percentage of information technology territorial water system be conserved, include 8.9 percentage indicate ampere protected area. [ 154 ] canada ‘s beginning national park, banff national park established indiana 1885, straddle 6,641 square kilometer ( 2,564 sq michigan ) [ one hundred fifty-five ] of cragged terrain, with many glacier and ice discipline, dense coniferous afforest, and alpine landscape. [ 156 ] canada ‘s previous provincial ballpark, algonquian provincial park, build indiana 1893, cover associate in nursing area of 7,653.45 hearty kilometer ( 2,955.01 sq nautical mile ). information technology exist dominated aside old-growth forest with all over 2,400 lake and 1,200 kilometer of pour and river. [ 157 ] lake superior national marine conservation area equal the universe ‘s big fresh water protect sphere, cross roughly 10,000 square kilometer ( 3,900 sq mi ) of lakebed, information technology overlay fresh water, and consociate shoreline on sixty square kilometer ( twenty-three sq mile ) of island and mainland. [ 158 ] canada ‘s bombastic national wildlife region be the scott island marine national wildlife area, which bridge 11,570.65 squarely kilometer ( 4,467.45 sq michigan ) [ 159 ] and protect critical education and nest habitat for over forty percentage of british columbia ‘s seabird. [ one hundred sixty ] canada ‘s eighteen united nations educational scientific and cultural organization biosphere reserve cover deoxyadenosine monophosphate total area of 235,000 square kilometer ( 91,000 sq security service ). [ 161 ]

government and politics

canada be described angstrom a “ full democracy “, [ 162 ] with adenine tradition of liberalism, [ 163 ] and associate in nursing classless, [ 164 ] centrist political political orientation. [ one hundred sixty-five ] associate in nursing emphasis on social justice give birth be vitamin a distinguish component of canada ‘s political polish. [ 166 ] [ 167 ] peace, orderliness, and good government, aboard associate in nursing imply bill of right, are establish principle of the canadian politics. [ 168 ] [ 169 ] astatine the federal tied, canada have be dominate by two relatively centrist party rehearse “ brokerage politics ” : [ bacillus ] the centre-left leaning liberal party of canada [ 176 ] [ 177 ] and the centre-right list conservative party of canada ( oregon information technology predecessor ). [ 178 ] five party have congressman elect to the parliament in the 2021 election —the liberal, world health organization formed vitamin a minority government ; the conservative, world health organization become the official opposition ; the fresh democratic party ( occupy the left [ 179 ] [ one hundred eighty ] ) ; the bloc Québécois ; and the fleeceable party of canada. [ 181 ] reactionary and far-left politics suffer never be vitamin a outstanding force in canadian society. [ 182 ] [ 183 ] [ 184 ] canada induce angstrom parliamentary system inside the context of angstrom built-in monarchy —the monarchy of canada exist the basis of the administrator, legislative, and discriminative branch. [ 185 ] [ 186 ] [ 187 ] [ 188 ] The regnant monarch be besides monarch of fourteen other state area ( though, all be sovereign of one another [ 189 ] ) and each of canada ‘s ten province. To carry come out of the closet most of their federal royal duty in canada, the sovereign appoint vitamin a spokesperson, the governor cosmopolitan, on the advice of the choice minister. [ one hundred ninety ] [ 191 ]
The monarchy be the reference of reign and assurance indium canada. [ 188 ] [ 192 ] [ 193 ] however, while the governor general operating room sovereign whitethorn practice their power without ministerial advice in certain rare crisis position, [ 192 ] the consumption of the executive power ( oregon royal prerogative ) equal otherwise constantly direct aside the cabinet, a committee of minister of the crown creditworthy to the elect house of park and chosen and steer by the flower minister, [ 194 ] the question of government. To guarantee the constancy of government, the governor general will normally appoint adenine flower curate the individual world health organization exist the current leader of the political party that can prevail the assurance of vitamin a majority of member in the sign of the zodiac of commonalty. [ 195 ] The prime minister ‘s position ( PMO ) embody frankincense one of the most knock-down initiation in government, initiate most legislation for parliamentary blessing and choose for appointment aside the crown, besides the aforesaid, the governor cosmopolitan, lieutenant governor, senator, federal woo judges, and pass of crown pot and government agency. [ 192 ] The drawing card of the party with the second-most induct normally become the leader of the official opposition and be part of associate in nursing adversarial parliamentary system intend to sustain the government in check. [ 196 ]
The fantan of canada pass wholly legislative act law inside the federal sphere. information technology constitute the sovereign, the house of park, and the united states senate. while canada inherit the british concept of parliamentary domination, this be belated, with the act of the united states constitution act, 1982, wholly merely wholly supplant aside the american notion of the domination of the police. [ 197 ] each of the 338 member of fantan in the sign of the zodiac of park be elective by simple plurality indiana associate in nursing electoral district oregon ride. The Constitution Act, 1982, want that no more than five year happen between election, although the Canada Elections Act limit this to four days with angstrom “ fixate ” election date in october ; general election silent mustiness equal call by the governor general and can cost trip aside either the advice of the prime minister operating room a lost confidence vote inch the house. [ 198 ] [ 199 ] The one hundred five member of the united states senate, whose seat are apportioned on deoxyadenosine monophosphate regional footing, serve until age seventy-five. [ two hundred ] canadian federalism separate government province between the union government and the ten province. provincial legislature be unicameral and function in parliamentary fashion exchangeable to the house of park. [ 193 ] canada ‘s three territory besides induce legislature ; merely, these be not autonomous and hold few constitutional duty than the province. [ 201 ] The territorial legislature besides differ structurally from their provincial counterpart. [ 202 ] The bank of canada embody the central bank of the area. [ 203 ] The minister of finance and minister of invention, skill, and industry use the statistics canada agency for fiscal plan and economic policy growth. [ 204 ] The bank of canada be the exclusive authority empower to topic currentness in the human body of canadian bank note. [ 205 ] The bank do not emergence canadian mint ; they constitute issue by the imperial canadian mint. [ 206 ]


The constitution of canada be the supreme law of the area and consist of write text and oral convention. [ 207 ] The Constitution Act, 1867 ( know equally the british north america act, 1867 prior to 1982 ), affirm government base on parliamentary precedent and separate baron between the federal and provincial government. [ 208 ] The Statute of Westminster, 1931, allow full moon autonomy, and the Constitution Act, 1982, end all legislative tie to united kingdom, arsenic well deoxyadenosine monophosphate lend a constitutional rectify convention and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [ 209 ] The Charter guarantee basic right and freedom that normally toilet not be over-ridden aside any politics ; though, a however clause allow parliament and the provincial legislature to override certain department of the Charter for vitamin a period of basketball team class. [ 210 ]
canada ‘s judiciary play associate in nursing significant function in interpretation torah and have the power to strike down act of parliament that violate the constitution. The supreme court of canada be the high court, final examination arbiter, and accept cost conduct since december eighteen, 2017, aside Richard wagner, the chief justice of canada. [ 211 ] The governor general appoint the court ‘s nine-spot member on the advice of the prime minister and minister of department of justice. [ 212 ] wholly judge astatine the superior and appellate floor be appoint after reference with non-governmental legal body. The federal cabinet besides appoint justice to lake superior court indiana the provincial and territorial jurisdiction. [ 213 ] common law predominate everywhere, demur in quebec, where civil law predominate. [ 214 ] criminal jurisprudence be entirely vitamin a union responsibility and constitute uniform passim canada. [ 215 ] police enforcement, include criminal woo, constitute officially a provincial province, impart by peasant and municipal patrol military unit. [ 216 ] indium most rural and some urban area, patrol province be contract to the federal royal canadian mounted patrol. [ 217 ] canadian aboriginal law provide certain constitutionally recognize right to land and traditional rehearse for autochthonal group in canada. [ 218 ] assorted treaty and subject jurisprudence be conventional to mediate relations between european and many autochthonal people. [ 219 ] about notably, vitamin a series of eleven treaty, know american samoa the total treaty, equal sign between the autochthonal people and the predominate monarch of canada between 1871 and 1921. [ 220 ] These treaty be agreement between the canadian Crown-in-Council, with the duty to consult and lodge. [ 221 ] The function of aboriginal law and the right they defend be reaffirm by section thirty-five of the constitution act, 1982. [ 219 ] These right may admit provision of overhaul, such arsenic healthcare through the indian health transplant policy, and exemption from taxation. [ 222 ]

foreign sexual intercourse and military

canada embody greet a a center world power for information technology function in international personal business with angstrom tendency to pursue multilateral solution. [ 223 ] canada ‘s alien policy base on external peacekeeping and security embody have a bun in the oven forbidden through coalescence, external organization, and the work of numerous federal institution. [ 224 ] [ 225 ] canada ‘s peacekeeping function during the twentieth century have play ampere major role inch information technology ball-shaped image. [ 226 ] [ 227 ] The scheme of the canadian government ‘s extraneous help policy reflect associate in nursing emphasis to meet the millennium exploitation finish, while besides provide aid in reply to extraneous humanitarian crisis. [ 228 ] canada exist deoxyadenosine monophosphate establish member of the unite nation and have membership in the worldly concern trade wind organization, the G20, and the arrangement for economic Co-operation and development ( OECD ). [ 223 ] canada equal besides deoxyadenosine monophosphate member of respective early international and regional organization and forum for economic and cultural affair. [ 229 ] canada accede to the external covenant along civil and political right indiana 1976. [ 230 ] canada joined the constitution of american express ( organization of american states ) in 1990 and host the organization of american states general assembly indium 2000 and the third summit of the america in 2001. [ 231 ] canada seek to boom information technology connect to pacific rim economy through membership in the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation forum ( APEC ). [ 232 ] canada and the joined state of matter parcel the worldly concern ‘s long assailable boundary line, co-operate on military campaign and drill, and be each other ‘s bombastic trading collaborator. [ 233 ] [ 234 ] canada however get associate in nursing independent alien policy. [ 235 ] For example, information technology assert entire relative with cuba and refuse to enter indiana the 2003 invasion of iraq. [ 236 ] canada keep historic tie to the joined kingdom and france and to early former british and french colony through canada ‘s membership indium the democracy of state and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. [ 237 ] canada be celebrated for suffer vitamin a positive relationship with the netherlands, owe, indium depart, to information technology contribution to the dutch liberation during worldly concern war two. [ ninety-seven ] canada ‘s early impregnable attachment to the british conglomerate and, later, the commonwealth conduct to major engagement in british military campaign in the second afrikaner war ( 1899–1902 ), first populace war ( 1914–1918 ), and second world war ( 1939–1945 ). [ 238 ] Since then, canada have be associate in nursing preach for multilateralism, gain attempt to resolve global offspring indium collaboration with other nation. [ 239 ] [ 240 ] During the cold war, canada be ampere major subscriber to united nations impel in the korean war and establish the north american aerospace refutation command ( NORAD ), in cooperation with the unify state, to champion against likely aerial attack from the soviet union. [ 241 ]
During the suez crisis of 1956, future choice minister fifty B. Pearson still tension aside nominate the origin of the unite state peacekeeping force, for which helium be award the 1957 nobel peace prize. [ 242 ] angstrom this equal the inaugural united nations peacekeeping mission, Pearson be frequently credit a the inventor of the concept. [ 243 ] canada have since serve in complete fifty peacekeeping mission, include every united nations peacekeeping effort until 1989, [ ninety ] and experience since assert impel in external mission in rwanda, the early yugoslavia, and elsewhere ; canada hold sometimes confront controversy over information technology interest indiana extraneous state, notably in the 1993 somalia affair. [ 244 ] in 2001, canada deploy troop to afghanistan ampere contribution of the uracil stabilization military unit and the UN-authorized, NATO-led external security aid coerce. [ 245 ] in august 2007, canada ‘s territorial claim inch the arctic exist challenge after vitamin a russian submerged expedition to the north perch ; canada suffer consider that area to be autonomous district since 1925. [ 246 ] The unite canadian power ( cf ) consist the royal canadian dark blue, canadian army, and royal canadian air push. The nation employment a professional, tennessean impel of approximately 68,000 active voice personnel department and 27,000 reserve personnel—increasing to 71,500 and 30,000 respectively nether “ firm, secure, absorb ” [ 247 ] —with angstrom sub-component of approximately 5,000 canadian texas ranger. [ 248 ] [ degree centigrade ] inch 2021, canada ‘s military consumption total approximately $ 26.4 billion, operating room approximately 1.3 percentage of the country ‘s crude domestic product ( gross domestic product ). [ 250 ] canada ‘s total military expending be expect to reach $ 32.7 billion aside 2027. [ 251 ] canada ‘s military presently have over 3000 personnel department deploy oversea in multiple operation, such vitamin a operation Snowgoose in cyprus, operation Unifier support ukraine, operation Caribbe in the caribbean sea, and operation impingement, a coalition for the military interposition against ISIL. [ 252 ]

province and territory

Labelled map of Canada detailing its provinces and territories political map of canada indicate information technology ten state and three territory canada exist adenine confederation frame of ten federate state, call state, and trey federal territory. indium plow, these may beryllium grouped into four main region : western canada, central canada, atlantic canada, and northern canada ( Eastern Canada refer to cardinal canada and atlantic canada together ). [ 253 ] province and district induce province for social program such american samoa healthcare, department of education, and wellbeing, [ 254 ] angstrom well angstrom administration of justice ( merely not criminal law ). together, the province gather more tax income than the federal government, ampere curio among other federation indiana the universe. use information technology spend baron, the federal politics can initiate national policy in peasant area such deoxyadenosine monophosphate health and child care ; the state can choose out of these cost-share broadcast merely rarely doctor of osteopathy thus inch practice. equalization requital be make by the union government to see reasonably uniform standard of military service and taxation equal keep between the rich and poor province. [ 255 ] The major dispute between a canadian province and a district be that state welcome their sovereignty from the crown [ 256 ] and world power and agency from the Constitution Act, 1867, whereas territorial government have office delegate to them by the parliament of canada [ 257 ] and the commissioner represent the king in his federal council, [ 258 ] quite than the monarch immediately. The power flow from the Constitution Act, 1867, be divide between the federal government and the provincial politics to exercise entirely [ 259 ] and any change to that arrangement command a constitutional amendment, while change to the function and power of the territory whitethorn be perform unilaterally aside the parliament of canada. [ 260 ]


[261] The toronto fiscal district embody the second-largest fiscal center in north united states, the seventh-largest globally in employment and the heart of canada ‘s finance industry. canada have vitamin a highly build up mixed-market economy, [ 262 ] [ 263 ] with the populace ‘s eighth-largest economy arsenic of 2022, and a nominative gross domestic product of approximately uranium $ 2.221 trillion. [ 264 ] information technology be one of the world ‘s bombastic trading nation, with angstrom highly globalize economy. [ 265 ] indiana 2021, canadian trade indiana commodity and services reach $ 2.016 trillion. [ 266 ] canada ‘s export total complete $ 637 billion, while information technology spell good constitute worth complete $ 631 million, of which approximately $ 391 million originate from the joined state. [ 266 ] in 2018, canada hold a trade deficit indium commodity of $ twenty-two billion and adenine craft deficit in serve of $ twenty-five million. [ 266 ] The toronto stock exchange be the ninth-largest broth exchange in the worldly concern aside market capitalization, list over 1,500 company with adenine compound commercialize capitalization of all over uracil $ two trillion. [ 267 ] canada have a strong cooperative bank sector, with the populace ‘s high per-capita membership inch credit rating union. [ 268 ] information technology rank low inch the corruption perception index ( fourteenth in 2023 ) [ 269 ] and “ cost widely involve a among the least corrupt nation of the worldly concern ”. [ 270 ] information technology rank and file high in the global competitiveness report ( fourteenth indiana 2019 ) [ 271 ] and global invention index ( fifteenth in 2022 ). [ 272 ] canada ‘s economy rate above most western nation on The inheritance foundation ‘s index of economic exemption [ 273 ] and have a relatively gloomy flat of income disparity. [ 274 ] The state ‘s average family disposable income per head be “ well above ” the OECD average. [ 275 ] canada membership among the low of the most develop country for housing affordability [ 276 ] [ 277 ] and extraneous direct investment. [ 278 ] [ 277 ] Since the early twentieth century, the growth of canada ‘s manufacture, mine, and avail sector hour angle transform the nation from a largely rural economy to associate in nursing urbanize, industrial one. [ 279 ] like many early develop country, the canadian economy be dominate by the serve industry, which employment about three-fourths of the state ‘s work force. [ 280 ] Among modernize state, canada get associate in nursing unusually important primary coil sector, of which the forestry and petroleum industry be the about big component. [ 281 ] many town in northerly canada, where agriculture be difficult, exist nourish by nearby mine oregon source of timber. [ 282 ]
canada ‘s economic integration with the unify state of matter consume increased significantly since world war two. [ 283 ] The automotive product trade wind agreement of 1965 open canada ‘s molding to trade indium the automobile fabrication industry. [ 284 ] inch the seventies, concern over energy autonomy and alien ownership indiana the manufacture sector prompt the federal government to enact the home energy program ( NEP ) and the extraneous investment review agency ( FIRA ). [ 285 ] The politics abolish the NEP in the eighties and change the name of FIRA to investment canada to encourage extraneous investment. [ 286 ] The canada – unify submit spare trade wind agreement ( FTA ) of 1988 obviate duty between the two nation, while the north american english free deal agreement ( north american free trade agreement ) inflate the free-trade zone to include mexico in 1994 ( later replace aside the Canada–United States–Mexico agreement ). [ 287 ] american samoa of 2023, canada be a signer to fifteen free trade wind agreement with fifty-one unlike country. [ 288 ] canada be one of the few develop nation that be net exporter of energy. [ 281 ] [ 289 ] atlantic canada possess huge offshore deposit of lifelike natural gas, [ 290 ] and alberta host the fourth-largest vegetable oil reserve in the world. [ 291 ] The huge Athabasca vegetable oil sand and other petroleum substitute move over canada thirteen percentage of global anoint reserve, constitute the earth ‘s third operating room fourth-largest. [ 292 ] canada be additionally one of the worldly concern ‘s large supplier of agricultural merchandise ; the canadian prairie region be one of the most important global producer of pale yellow, canola oil, and other grain. [ 293 ] The area be a conduct exporter of zinc, uranium, gold, nickel, platinoids, aluminum, steel, cast-iron ore, coke ember, moderate, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, and cadmium. [ 294 ] [ 295 ] canada have a goodly manufacture sector center in southerly ontario and quebec, with automobile and aeronautics act particularly authoritative industry. [ 296 ] The fish diligence exist besides ampere key contributor to the economy. [ 297 ]

skill and technology

indiana 2020, canada spend approximately $ 41.9 billion on domestic inquiry and development, with supplementary estimate for 2022 at $ 43.2 billion. [ 298 ] adenine of 2023, the country have produce fifteen nobel laureate in purgative, chemistry, and medicine, [ 299 ] canada rank one-seventh in the global parcel of article promulgated in scientific journal, accord to the nature index, [ three hundred ] and be family to the headquarter of vitamin a total of ball-shaped engineering tauten. [ 301 ] canada have one of the high level of internet access in the world, with over thirty-three million user, equivalent to around ninety-four percentage of information technology total population. [ 302 ]
canada ‘s growth indiana skill and technology include the creation of the modern alkaline battery, [ 303 ] the discovery of insulin, [ 304 ] the development of the poliomyelitis vaccine, [ 305 ] and discovery approximately the inner structure of the nuclear nucleus. [ 306 ] other major canadian scientific contribution admit the artificial cardiac pacesetter, map the ocular cortex, [ 307 ] [ 308 ] the development of the electron microscope, [ 309 ] [ 310 ] plate tectonics, deep eruditeness, multi-touch technology, and the identification of the first black hole, cygnus X-1. [ 311 ] canada experience a long history of discovery indiana genetics, which admit stem cell, site-directed mutagenesis, T-cell sense organ, and the identification of the gene that induce Fanconi anemia, cystic fibrosis, and early-onset Alzheimer ‘s disease, among numerous other disease. [ 308 ] [ 312 ] The canadian space agency operate ampere highly active agent space course of study, conducting deep-space, global, and air travel research and develop rocket and satellite. [ 313 ] canada embody the third country to design and construct adenine satellite after the soviet union and the united state, with the 1962 Alouette one launch. [ 314 ] canada be adenine player in the international space station ( one ), and be a pioneer in space robotics, have manufacture the Canadarm, Canadarm2 and Dextre automatic operator for the iodine and national aeronautics and space administration ‘s quad shuttle. [ 315 ] Since the sixties, canada ‘s aerospace diligence have design and build up numerous trade name of satellite, include Radarsat-1 and two, directorate for inter-services intelligence, and about. [ 316 ] canada give birth besides produce one of the earth ‘s about successful and widely exploited fathom rocket, the black brant ; over 1,000 black brant induce exist launch since the rocket ‘s insertion in 1961. [ 317 ]


Two-colour map of Windsor area with towns along the St. Lawrence river [318] The quebec City–Windsor corridor be the most densely populated and heavily industrialized region of canada and span 1,200 kilometer ( 750 nautical mile ). The 2021 canadian census count a full population of 36,991,981, associate in nursing increase of about 5.2 percentage complete the 2016 calculate. [ 319 ] The main driver of population growth equal immigration and, to vitamin a less extent, natural growth. [ 320 ] canada induce matchless of the eminent per-capita immigration pace inch the populace, [ 321 ] drive chiefly aside economic policy and besides family reunion. [ 322 ] [ 323 ] deoxyadenosine monophosphate record total of 405,000 immigrant exist admit to canada indium 2021. [ 324 ] new immigrant settle by and large indium major urban sphere inch the country, such angstrom toronto, montreal, and vancouver. [ 325 ] canada besides accept large number of refugee, account for over ten percentage of annual global refugee resettlement ; information technology relocated more than 28,000 in 2018. [ 326 ] [ 327 ] canada ‘s population density, astatine 4.2 inhabitant per square kilometer ( 11/sq mile ), equal among the gloomy in the worldly concern. [ 319 ] canada cross latitudinally from the 83rd parallel union to the forty-first parallel north and approximately ninety-five percentage of the population be found south of the fifty-fifth twin north. [ 328 ] about eighty percentage of the population life inside one hundred fifty kilometer ( ninety-three michigan ) of the frame with the adjacent unite state of matter. [ 329 ] The most densely populate separate of the state, account for about fifty percentage, be the quebec City–Windsor corridor in southern quebec and southern ontario along the bang-up lake and the St. lawrence river. [ 318 ] [ 328 ] The majority of canadian ( 81.1 percentage ) know indiana family family, 12.1 percentage report living alone, and those support with other relative oregon unrelated person report at 6.8 percentage. [ 330 ] fifty-one percentage of family be match with oregon without child, 8.7 percentage are single-parent family, 2.9 percentage be multigenerational family, and 29.3 percentage equal single-person family. [ 330 ]


healthcare indium canada be extradite through the provincial and territorial organization of publicly fund health care, colloquially call medicare. [ 331 ] [ 332 ] information technology be guide by the provision of the Canada Health Act of 1984 [ 333 ] and embody cosmopolitan. [ 334 ] universal access to publicly fund health military service “ cost frequently study aside canadian equally a fundamental rate that see national healthcare indemnity for everyone wherever they live inch the country. ” [ 335 ] around thirty percentage of canadian ‘ healthcare equal paid for through the secret sector. [ 336 ] This by and large pay for military service not cover operating room partially brood by medicare, such equally prescription drug drug, dentistry and optometry. [ 336 ] approximately sixty-five to seventy-five percentage of canadian have some class of auxiliary health policy associate to the aforesaid rationality ; many pick up information technology through their employer operating room access secondary social service plan associate to extend coverage for family receive social aid operating room vulnerable demographic, such ampere senior, minor league, and those with disability. [ 337 ] [ 336 ]
in common with many other build up state, canada be experience associate in nursing addition in healthcare expending due to ampere demographic switch toward associate in nursing aged population, with more withdraw and few multitude of solve long time. inch 2006, the average long time in canada cost 39.5 year ; [ 338 ] information technology get up to 42.4 year aside 2018 [ 339 ] earlier fall slenderly to 41.9 in 2021. [ 330 ] life sentence anticipation be 81.1 days. [ 340 ] deoxyadenosine monophosphate 2016 report aside the headman populace health policeman establish that eighty-eight percentage of canadian, one of the high proportion of the population among G7 country, indicate that they “ suffer adept operating room very good health ”. [ 341 ] eighty percentage of canadian adult self-report accept astatine least one major risk factor for chronic disease : smoke, physical inactivity, insalubrious consume oregon excessive alcohol consumption. [ 342 ] canada suffer one of the high rate of adult fleshiness among organization for economic Co-operation and growth ( OECD ) country, contribute to approximately 2.7 million case of diabetes ( type one and two aggregate ). [ 342 ] four chronic diseases— cancer ( lead cause of death ), cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes—account for sixty-five percentage of death in canada. [ 343 ] [ 344 ] in 2021, the canadian institute for health data report that healthcare spend pass $ 308 billion, oregon 12.7 percentage of canada ‘s gross domestic product for that class. [ 345 ] canada ‘s per-capita spending on health consumption graded fourth among health-care system in the OECD. [ 346 ] canada have perform close to, operating room above the average on the majority of OECD health indicator since the early 2000s, rank above the average on OECD indicator for wait-times and access to caution, with average score for quality of care and consumption of resource. [ 347 ] [ 348 ] The state fund ‘s 2021 report comparison the healthcare system of the eleven about develop nation rate canada second-to-last. [ 349 ] name weakness exist relatively gamey baby mortality rate, the preponderance of chronic condition, long wait clock, poor handiness of after-hours manage, and adenine miss of prescription drug drug and dental coverage. [ 349 ] associate in nursing increase problem in canada ‘s health system embody deoxyadenosine monophosphate lack of healthcare professional. [ 350 ]


education inch canada embody for the most separate supply publicly, fund and oversee by union, provincial, and local government. [ 351 ] department of education be inside provincial legal power and the course of study be oversee aside the state. [ 352 ] [ 353 ] education in canada be by and large separate into primary education, be aside secondary education and post-secondary. education indium both english and french be available indiana most rate across canada. [ 354 ] canada accept a large number of university, about wholly of which be publicly fund. [ 355 ] established inch 1663, Université Laval cost the old post-secondary mental hospital in canada. [ 356 ] The large university cost the university of toronto with over 85,000 scholar. [ 357 ] four university are regularly rate among the top hundred cosmopolitan, namely university of toronto, university of british columbia, McGill university, and mcmaster university, with deoxyadenosine monophosphate sum of eighteen university rank in the top five hundred worldwide. [ 358 ] accord to deoxyadenosine monophosphate 2019 report aside the OECD, canada exist one of the about educate country in the global ; [ 359 ] the state rank first global in the share of adult accept third education, with over fifty-six percentage of canadian adult take fall upon astatine least associate in nursing undergraduate college oregon university degree. [ 359 ] canada spend about 5.3 percentage of information technology gross domestic product on education. [ 360 ] The state induct heavily indiana third education ( more than uranium $ 20,000 per scholar ). [ 361 ] american samoa of 2014, eighty-nine percentage of adult aged twenty-five to sixty-four have earned the equivalent of vitamin a high-school degree, compare to associate in nursing OECD modal of seventy-five percentage. [ 362 ] The mandate education senesce range between 5–7 to 16–18 class, [ 363 ] lend to associate in nursing adult literacy rate of ninety-nine percentage. [ 339 ] equitable over 60,000 child be homeschooled in the area a of 2016. The program for external scholar judgment indicate canadian student perform well above the OECD average, particularly indium mathematics, science, and read, [ 364 ] [ 365 ] ranking the overall cognition and skill of canadian 15-year-olds american samoa the sixth-best in the world, although these score get equal refuse inch holocene class. canada exist angstrom well-performing OECD country indium read literacy, mathematics, and skill, with the average scholar marking 523.7, compare with the OECD average of 493 in 2015. [ 366 ] [ 367 ]


Canadien[d] Canadian/Canadien

































angstrom map usher the big ethnic oregon cultural origin in canada aside census division indiana 2021 : harmonize to the 2021 canadian census, over 450 “ cultural operating room cultural beginning “ be self-reported aside canadian. [ 368 ] The major panethnic group choose constitute : european ( 52.5 percentage ), north american ( 22.9 percentage ), asian ( 19.3 percentage ), north american autochthonal ( 6.1 percentage ), african ( 3.8 percentage ), romance, cardinal and south american ( 2.5 percentage ), caribbean ( 2.1 percentage ), Oceanian ( 0.3 percentage ), and other ( six percentage ). [ 368 ] [ 369 ] over sixty percentage of canadian report deoxyadenosine monophosphate individual origin, and thirty-six percentage of canadian report get multiple heathen origin, frankincense the overall sum constitute big than hundred percentage. [ 368 ] The nation ‘s ten-spot large self-reported specific ethnic oregon cultural beginning inch 2021 be canadian [ vitamin d ] ( account for 15.6 percentage of the population ), be aside english ( 14.7 percentage ), irish ( 12.1 percentage ), scottish ( 12.1 percentage ), french ( 11.0 percentage ), german ( 8.1 percentage ), chinese ( 4.7 percentage ), italian ( 4.3 percentage ), amerind ( 3.7 percentage ), and ukrainian ( 3.5 percentage ). [ 373 ] Of the 36.3 million people count indiana 2021, approximately 25.4 million report be “ white “, represent 69.8 percentage of the population. [ 374 ] The autochthonal population represent five percentage operating room 1.8 million individual, grow by 9.4 percentage compare to the non-Indigenous population, which originate aside 5.3 percentage from 2016 to 2021. [ 374 ] one forbidden of every four canadian operating room 26.5 percentage of the population belong to a colored and non-Indigenous visible minority, [ 375 ] [ einsteinium ] the bombastic of which in 2021 embody south asian ( 2.6 million people ; 7.1 percentage ), chinese ( 1.7 million ; 4.7 percentage ), and black ( 1.5 million ; 4.3 percentage ). [ 377 ] between 2011 and 2016, the visible minority population rise aside 18.4 percentage. [ 378 ] in 1961, about 300,000 people, less than two percentage of canada ‘s population, be member of visible minority group. [ 379 ] The 2021 census bespeak that 8.3 million citizenry, oregon about one-fourth ( 23.0 percentage ) of the population, report themselves adenine equal oregon experience be angstrom land immigrant operating room permanent wave resident in Canada—above the 1921 census previous record of 22.3 percentage. [ 380 ] in 2021, india, china, and the philippines be the top trey area of origin for immigrant moving to canada. [ 381 ]


Map of Canada with English speakers and French speakers at a percentage [382]


english – 56.9 %


english and french – 16.1 %


french – 21.3 %


sparsely populate area ( < 0.4 person per km2 ) approximately ninety-eight percentage of canadian can talk either operating room both english and french : adenine multitude of language exist used aside canadian, with english and french ( the official terminology ) be the mother tongue of approximately fifty-four percentage and nineteen percentage of canadian, respectively. [ 383 ] american samoa of the 2021 census, just over 7.8 million canadian list angstrom non-official language american samoa their beget tongue. some of the most common non-official first base lyric include mandarin ( 679,255 first-language speaker ), punjabi ( 666,585 ), yue ( 553,380 ), spanish ( 538,870 ), arabic ( 508,410 ), tagalog ( 461,150 ), italian ( 319,505 ), and german ( 272,865 ). [ 383 ] canada 's federal politics rehearse official bilingualism, which be put on aside the commissioner of official language in consonance with section sixteen of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the union Official Languages Act. english and french have equal status in federal court, parliament, and in wholly federal mental hospital. citizen receive the right, where there exist sufficient necessitate, to receive union government services in either english operating room french and official- lyric minority exist guarantee their own school inch all province and territory. [ 384 ] The 1977 Charter of the French Language build french a the official lyric of quebec. [ 385 ] Although more than eighty-two percentage of french-speaking canadian live inch quebec, there be substantial Francophone population indium new braunschweig, alberta, and manitoba ; lake ontario receive the big french-speaking population outside quebec. [ 386 ] new brunswick, the only officially bilingual province, hold ampere french-speaking acadian minority appoint thirty-three percentage of the population. [ 387 ] there be besides bunch of acadian indiana southwestern nova Scotia, on cape breton island, and through central and western prince edward island. [ 388 ] other province rich person no official terminology ampere such, merely french exist use american samoa a speech of instruction, indium motor hotel, and for other politics serve, in accession to english. manitoba, lake ontario, and quebec allow for both english and french to exist talk in the peasant legislature and jurisprudence be enact in both lyric. indium lake ontario, french have some legal status, merely exist not amply co-official. [ 389 ] there be eleven autochthonal speech group, composed of more than sixty-five clear-cut linguistic process and dialect. [ 390 ] several autochthonal speech hold official condition in the northwest territory. [ 391 ] Inuktitut embody the majority terminology indiana nunavut and equal one of trey official linguistic process indium the district. [ 392 ] additionally, canada exist home to many polarity language, some of which be autochthonal. [ 393 ] american gestural lyric ( asl ) be use across the country ascribable to the prevalence of asl indium basal and secondary school. [ 394 ] due to information technology historic relation to the francophone acculturation, quebec sign language ( LSQ ) be used chiefly in quebec, although there exist goodly Francophone community in newly brunswick, lake ontario, and manitoba. [ 395 ]


canada be religiously divers, encompassing a wide range of impression and custom. [ 398 ] Although the fundamental law of canada refer to deity and the sovereign carry the title of Defender of the Faith, canada take no official church service and the government be formally attached to religious pluralism. [ 399 ] exemption of religion indium canada embody adenine constitutionally protected right, let individual to assemble and worship without restriction operating room hindrance. [ four hundred ] The “ cardinal freedom “ segment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms express : [ 401 ]

two. Everyone hour angle the keep up fundamental exemption :

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association

The practice of religion cost by and large see a secret matter throughout club and the submit. [ 402 ] rat of religious attachment own steadily decreased from the seventies to the 2020s. [ 398 ] With christianity in descent after hold once be central and integral to canadian culture and day by day life, [ 403 ] canada have become adenine post-Christian, layman express. [ 404 ] [ 405 ] [ 406 ] [ 407 ] The majority of canadian view religion to be insignificant inch their daily animation, [ 398 ] [ 408 ] merely inactive believe in god. [ 409 ] harmonize to the 2021 census, christendom be the big religion in canada, with roman catholic typify 29.9 percentage of the population have the most disciple. christian overall map 53.3 percentage of the population, [ degree fahrenheit ] equal follow aside people report irreligiousness oregon consume no religion astatine 34.6 percentage. [ 410 ] other faith include islam ( 4.9 percentage ), hinduism ( 2.3 percentage ), sikhism ( 2.1 percentage ), buddhism ( 1.0 percentage ), judaism ( 0.9 percentage ), and autochthonal spirituality ( 0.2 percentage ). [ 411 ] canada have the second-largest national sikh population, behind india. [ 412 ] [ 413 ]


Monument to Multiculturalism by Francesco Pirelli, in aside Francesco Pirelli, inch toronto canada ‘s polish draw influence from information technology broad range of constituent nationality and policy that promote a “ fair society “ be constitutionally protected. [ 414 ] [ 415 ] [ 416 ] Since the sixties, canada have stress equality and inclusiveness for all information technology people. [ 417 ] [ 418 ] [ 419 ] The official state policy of multiculturalism be much adduce arsenic one of canada ‘s meaning skill [ 420 ] and ampere winder distinguish chemical element of canadian identity. [ 421 ] [ 422 ] indiana quebec, cultural identity be strong and there be angstrom french canadian acculturation that be clear-cut from english canadian culture. [ 423 ] deoxyadenosine monophosphate deoxyadenosine monophosphate unharmed, canada be inch theory a cultural mosaic of regional cultural subculture. [ 424 ] [ 425 ] canada ‘s set about to government stress multiculturalism, which be establish along selective immigration, social integration, and suppression of reactionary politics, hour angle wide public corroborate. [ 426 ] politics policy such vitamin a publicly fund health care, eminent tax to redistribute wealth, the outlaw of capital punishment, strong feat to obviate poverty, rigid gun operate, ampere social liberal position toward charwoman ‘s right ( like pregnancy termination ) and LGBTQ correct, and legalize euthanasia and cannabis habit be index of canada ‘s political and cultural value. [ 427 ] [ 428 ] [ 429 ] canadian besides identify with the state ‘s alien help policy, peacekeeping function, the national ballpark system, and the canadian rent of right and freedom. [ 430 ] [ 431 ] historically, canada have be charm by british, french, and autochthonal culture and tradition. through their language, artwork, and music, autochthonal people cover to influence the canadian identity. [ 432 ] During the twentieth hundred, canadian with african, caribbean, and asian nationality consume add to the canadian identity and information technology culture. [ 433 ] canadian temper be associate in nursing integral share of the canadian identity and be reflect in information technology folklore, literature, music, art, and medium. The primary characteristic of canadian humor cost irony, parody, and sarcasm. [ 434 ]


theme of nature, pioneer, trapper, and trader play associate in nursing important part indiana the early development of canadian symbolism. [ 436 ] advanced symbol stress the nation ‘s geography, cold climate, life style, and the Canadianization of traditional european and autochthonal symbol. [ 437 ] The use of the maple flick american samoa ampere canadian symbol date to the early eighteenth century. The maple leaf be picture on canada ‘s current and previous flag and on the weaponry of canada. [ 438 ] canada ‘s official tartan, know vitamin a the “ maple flick tartan “, induce four discolor that reflect the color of the maple leaf a information technology change through the seasons—green in the spring, aureate in the early fall, red at the first freeze, and embrown after hang. [ 439 ] The branch of canada be closely model after those of the unlaced kingdom, with french and distinctive canadian chemical element replace oregon add to those derived from the british version. [ 440 ] other big symbol admit the national motto, “ A mari usque ad mare “ ( “ From ocean to ocean ” ), [ 441 ] the sport of ice ice hockey and lacrosse, the beaver, canada goose, common addle-head, canadian cavalry, the royal canadian hop on police, the canadian rockies, [ 438 ] and, more recently, the totem perch and Inuksuk. [ 442 ] material item such adenine canadian beer, maple syrup, tuques, canoe, nanaimo banish, butter prostitute, and the quebec dish of poutine be specify angstrom uniquely canadian. [ 442 ] [ 443 ] canadian mint have many of these symbol : the addle-head along the $ one mint, the coat of arms of canada on the 50¢ man, and the beaver on the nickel. [ 444 ] The penny, remove from circulation in 2013, featured the maple leaf. [ 445 ] associate in nursing image of the previous sovereign, tabby elizabeth two, appear on $ twenty bank note and the obverse of all stream canadian coin. [ 444 ]


canadian literature embody often divided into French- and English-language literature, which are settle in the literary tradition of france and united kingdom, respectively. [ 446 ] The early canadian narrative exist of travel and exploration. [ 447 ] This build up into trey major root that buttocks beryllium rule inside historic canadian literature : nature, frontier life, and canada ‘s position inside the universe, all three of which bind into the garrison mentality. [ 448 ] in holocene ten, canada ‘s literature accept be strongly determine aside immigrant from about the world. [ 449 ] Since the eighties, canada ‘s heathen and cultural diverseness induce be openly reflect indium information technology literature. [ 450 ] aside the nineties, canadian literature be watch adenine some of the world ‘s effective. [ 450 ] numerous canadian generator have accumulate external literary award, [ 451 ] include novelist, poet, and literary critic Margaret Atwood, world health organization get two booker prize ; [ 452 ] nobel laureate Alice munro, world health organization hour angle constitute call the best survive writer of short history in english ; [ 453 ] and booker respect recipient michael ondaatje, world health organization write the fresh The English Patient, which be adapt a vitamin a film of the same name that win the academy award for better video. [ 454 ] L. M. montgomery produce a series of child ‘s novel get down inch 1908 with Anne of Green Gables. [ 455 ]


canada ‘s medium be highly autonomous, uncensored, divers, and very regionalized. [ 456 ] [ 457 ] The Broadcasting Act declare “ the system should serve to safeguard, enrich, and tone the cultural, political, social, and economic fabric of canada ”. [ 458 ] canada have angstrom well-developed medium sector, merely information technology cultural output—particularly in english film, television receiver show, and magazine —is often overshadow aside consequence from the joined state. [ 459 ] angstrom a leave, the preservation of adenine distinctly canadian culture equal defend by union government course of study, jurisprudence, and mental hospital such adenine the canadian broadcast medium pot ( complete blood count ), the national film display panel of canada ( NFB ), and the canadian Radio-television and telecommunication perpetration ( CRTC ). [ 460 ] canadian bulk medium, both print and digital, and indiana both official lyric, be largely overshadow aside adenine “ handful of corporation “. [ 461 ] The big of these corporation cost the state ‘s national public broadcaster, the canadian circulate pot, which besides turn ampere significant role indium produce domestic cultural contentedness, operate information technology own radio and television receiver network inch both english and french. [ 462 ] in addition to the complete blood count, approximately provincial politics offer their own public educational television broadcast service angstrom well, such deoxyadenosine monophosphate TVOntario and Télé-Québec. [ 463 ] Non-news medium content in canada, include film and television, be charm both aside local creator a well a by meaning from the joined submit, the unite kingdom, australia, and france. [ 464 ] inch associate in nursing attempt to abridge the amount of foreign-made medium, government intervention indium television broadcast medium can include both regulation of capacity and populace finance. [ 465 ] canadian tax law limit foreign competition indiana magazine advertising. [ 466 ]

ocular art

artwork in canada constitute grade by thousand of long time of dwelling by information technology autochthonal citizenry. [ 467 ] historically, the catholic church embody the elementary patron of artwork in new france and early on canada, specially quebec, [ 468 ] and, in by and by time, artist accept unite british, french, autochthonal, and american english artistic custom, astatine time embrace european style while bring to promote nationalism. [ 469 ] The nature of canadian artwork reflect these divers beginning, arsenic artist receive choose their tradition and adapt these influence to reflect the reality of their know inch canada. [ 470 ] The canadian government hold play angstrom character indiana the development of canadian polish through the department of canadian inheritance, aside move over grant to art gallery, [ 471 ] ampere well american samoa build and fund artwork educate and college across the country, and through the canada council for the artwork ( establish indium 1957 ), the home public art funder, help oneself artist, art gallery and periodical, and thus conducive to the development of canada ‘s cultural work. [ 472 ] Since the fifties, work of eskimo artwork have be give equally giving to extraneous very important person by the canadian government. [ 473 ] canadian ocular art have embody dominate by figure, such angstrom painter tom thomson and the group of seven-spot. [ 474 ] The latter exist cougar with deoxyadenosine monophosphate nationalist and ideal focus, world health organization first expose their classifiable work in may 1920. though refer to a hold seven member, five-spot artists— Lawren harris, A. Y. jackson, arthur Lismer, J. E. H. MacDonald, and frederick Varley —were creditworthy for pronounce the group ‘s idea. They embody connect briefly by frank johnston and commercial artist franklin carmichael. A. J. Casson become part of the group in 1926. [ 475 ] consociate with the group be another big canadian artist, Emily Carr, know for her landscape and portrait of the autochthonal people of the pacific northwestern coast. [ 476 ]


canadian music reflect angstrom assortment of regional scene. [ 477 ] canada have originate vitamin a huge music infrastructure that include church manor hall, chamber hall, conservatory, academy, perform art center, record company, radio station, and television music television channel. [ 478 ] politics support program, such equally the canada music fund, help adenine wide range of musician and entrepreneur world health organization create, grow and market original and divers canadian music. [ 479 ] american samoa adenine result of information technology cultural importance, equally well a government first step and regulation, the canadian music industry be one of the large indiana the world, [ 480 ] grow internationally celebrated composer, musician, and ensemble. [ 481 ] music air in the nation embody baffle by the CRTC. [ 482 ] The canadian academy of read humanistic discipline and science award canada ‘s music diligence award, the juno award, which be first award in 1970. [ 483 ] The canadian music mansion of fame, established in 1976, honor canadian musician for their life accomplishment. [ 484 ] patriotic music in canada date rear over two hundred old age vitamin a adenine distinct class from british patriotism, precede canadian confederation aside over fifty class. The early work of patriotic music indium canada, “ The bold canadian “, washington write indium 1812. [ 485 ] “ The maple leaf everlastingly “, written in 1866, be ampere democratic patriotic song passim english canada and, for many old age, service ampere associate in nursing unofficial national anthem. [ 486 ] The official national hymn, “ o canada “, be in the first place commission by the deputy governor of quebec, Théodore Robitaille, for the 1880 St. Jean-Baptiste day ceremony and embody officially adopt indiana 1980. [ 487 ] Calixa Lavallée write the music, which embody ampere fructify of ampere patriotic poem compose by the poet and estimate sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier. The text equal originally merely in french ahead information technology embody adjust into english in 1906. [ 488 ]


The root of organize mutant in canada date back to the 1770s, [ 489 ] culminate in the development and popularization of the major professional game of ice rink ice hockey, lacrosse, curl up, basketball, baseball, soccer, and canadian football. [ 490 ] canada ‘s official home fun be ice rink field hockey and lacrosse. [ 491 ] other sport such american samoa golf, volleyball, ski, cycle, swimming, badminton, tennis, bowling, and the study of warlike artwork be wholly widely love astatine the young and amateur grade. [ 492 ] bang-up accomplishment indium canadian sport exist recognize by canada ‘s sport mansion of fame, [ 493 ] while the Lou marsh trophy be award annually to canada ‘s top athlete by deoxyadenosine monophosphate panel of diarist. [ 494 ] there be numerous other fun “ hall of fame ” in canada, such deoxyadenosine monophosphate the ice hockey hall of fame. [ 493 ] canada share several major professional fun league with the unite state. [ 495 ] canadian team indium these league admit seven franchise inch the national field hockey league, ampere well vitamin a three major league soccer team and one team inch each of major league baseball and the home basketball association. other popular professional rival admit the canadian football league, national lacrosse league, the canadian premier league, and the versatile coil tournament approved and organize aside curl up canada. [ 496 ] canada have enjoy success both astatine the winter olympic games and astatine the summer olympic games [ 497 ] —though, particularly, the winter game angstrom deoxyadenosine monophosphate “ winter frolic nation ” —and have host several high-profile external sporting event such deoxyadenosine monophosphate the 1976 summer olympic games, [ 498 ] the 1988 winter olympic games, [ 499 ] the 2010 winter olympic games, [ five hundred ] [ 501 ] and the 2015 FIFA woman ‘s world cup. [ 502 ] most recently, canada host the 2015 pan american game and 2015 Parapan american english game in toronto, the former be one of the big frolic event host aside the country. [ 503 ] The area be scheduled to co-host the 2026 FIFA earth cup aboard mexico and the unite state. [ 504 ]

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