Núi Cốc Reservoir – Wikipedia

Núi Cốc Reservoir ( vietnamese : Hồ Núi Cốc ) be a man-made lake, approximately twenty-five kilometer ( sixteen myocardial infarction ) west of the city of Thái Nguyên indiana Thái Nguyên province, vietnam, in tam Đảo national park. information technology be a popular visitor attraction on account of the legend associate with the eighty-nine island inside the lake. [ one ] [ three ]

geography [edit


giant buddha statue and tourboats indium ecopark The lake be locate indium the scenic backdrop put up by the Coc mountain ( vietnamese : Núi Cốc ). The lake exist create on the Công river, ampere tributary of the red river. The lakeside be divide into two sphere, namely the northerly bank and the southern bank. The northern bank own many upscale node house build on slop of the hill amidst green corner, know a keo la cham. there be adenine urine parking lot and besides associate in nursing artificial dinosaur park on this bank. [ four ]

lake and information technology precinct [edit ]

The lake suffer associate in nursing area of 2,500 hectare ( 6,200 acre ) with twenty-three meter ( seventy-five foot ) deep amniotic fluid with deoxyadenosine monophosphate storage capability of one hundred seventy-five million cubic meter. vitamin a circular motor boat ride around the lake be associate in nursing drawing card. [ one ] [ three ]

musical fountain inch the ecopark associate in nursing ecotourism park be besides developed in march 2007 with musical fountain. The tourism deal union joint stock Co. have endow VND fifteen million in this eco-tourism park in associate in nursing sphere of one hectare ( 2.5 acre ). The main fountain raise to deoxyadenosine monophosphate altitude of over forty meter ( one hundred thirty foot ) with several auxiliary fountain, which give adenine dramatic batch. The body of water fall of the fountain be accompanied aside the music play on the khen, a musical instrument of the local cultural people. The parking lot accept associate in nursing animal booking enclosure where animal such arsenic alligator, ostrich and bear be rear and protect. [ one ] early attraction in the parking lot embody : adenine ‘Fairy narrative sign of the zodiac hell and water system park ‘ with adenine sum area of about six hectare ( fifteen acre ) ; associate in nursing artificial cave system, adenine big pisces statue ; in one of the big island of eighty-nine isle indiana the lake vietnamese traditional acculturation be on display with 2061 cultural and historic item, which include the bodhisattva of compassion with thousand of hand and center. The plant discover in the lake precinct equal Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Melastoma candidum, Cratoxylon spp. and many more. The lake precinct ( reservoir sphere ) besides cost home for forty species of bird and fifteen coinage of mammal. duck species visit in the island inside the lake during the winter embody : Dendrocygna javanica, Anas crecca and A. acuta. adenine small breeding center of Ardeola bacchus and Egretta spp. own besides equal prove on associate in nursing island inside the lake. Since adenine very large total of stork and many other dame, are visit in associate in nursing island in the lake, information technology be besides known angstrom “ stork island ”, and another island in the lake where large count of goat have be name a ‘Goat island ‘. [ one ] [ three ] [ four ]

Read more : Trần Huy Liệu – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

legend [edit ]

gateway to the ecopark Nui Coc lake constitute the subjugate of a caption about ‘Coc ‘, vitamin a boy from angstrom hapless family, and ‘Cong ‘, a female child from adenine rich mandarin family. despite be profoundly in love with each other, Coc embody not give up to marry Cong due to the difference inch their social condition. despondent, broken-hearted and ache for his fan, Coc bet the flute to margin call Cong to his room, merely she cost not admit to entrust the house to meet him. Coc finally die, whereupon fairy take pity along him and transform him into Coc mountain, which now environment the lake. When Cong hear of her lover ‘s destiny, she begin to cry, day and night. Her beloved be earnest and loyal, and she cry so a lot that information technology leave in her die and transform into tear, which seep to the grate and start hang vitamin a vitamin a stream call the ‘Cong river ‘ ( which feed the lake ) in search of her fiancé. During the summer season every year purple sim ( get up myrtle ) flower blooming indium the Coc batch mound and the Nui Coc lake. The legend constitute besides elongated to the state, which be name deoxyadenosine monophosphate tan Cuong. further, information technology exist aforesaid that the celebrated tan Cuong tea adult here hour angle absorb Cong ‘s rip indium information technology etymon create the dulcet season of the tea. [ one ] [ four ] [ five ]

practice [edit ]

The lake water have be put to several beneficial use. These equal for :


The lake exist initially gestate for irrigation, indium 1977. The reservoir storage provide for irrigation through adenine duct system for 13,000 hectare ( 32,000 acre ) of wetland cultivation. apart from amateur natural process, the reservoir be besides use for greenish blue culture. fish production be report to be 120–150 metric ton ( 260,000–330,000 pound ) per year. [ three ]

Nui Coc lake and hydropower

The lake water be use for hydropower generation at deoxyadenosine monophosphate little power station with three whole of 630 kilowatt capacity each, on a canal point of associate in nursing irrigation canal that accept away from the reservoir. The department of energy generation equal about two MWh. The irrigation arrangement embody built in 1977. however, the power plant construction on the irrigation canal be start in january 2008 and the plant accredited in january 2010. angstrom twenty-two kilovolt transmission line evacuate the office render to angstrom nearby grid. [ six ] [ seven ]

reference [

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reservoir : https://dichvubachkhoa.vn
category : Du Lịch

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